Reading, stories, telling stories, hearing stories, movies, plays that aren't too weird, movies that ARE weird, acting, trees, acting like a tree, yoga, TOMATO, biodiesel revolution, alternative fuels, simplicity, iron bedframes, houses, the color green, growing up, austin texas, people's lives, people, my friend's stories.
Otherselves already known.
Garden State. Old movies that are surprisingly contemporary.
I don't have a TV which only means that I will be the last person to know when the world comes to an end. My neighbor will have to come tell me. When I was a kid, I LOVED The Wonder Years. I desperately wanted to be Winnie Cooper. Still do.
Free me from reading books about real estate, the psychology of dogs and the ancient days of filmmaking. I want to be entertained! I want to feel educated. I want to remember all that literature that I read when booky types are talking about it. I wanna feel like a nerd again.
Anyone with a good story: Laura Ingalls Wilder, people who break the rules in a creative profession and still are able to present their work to a mainstream audience, people with integrity even if it comes out in weird ways, fearless people.