*PArtYiNg* *ShOpPiNg* *WaTcHiNg MoViEs* *BaBbYsItTiNg* *SPeNdInG TiMe wItH mY jErEmY!* *HaNgInG oUt WiTh My gUrLs*
Im adopted I was put in a foster home when I was born and lived there until I was one years old.I want to find my real mom her name is Sherri Wilson and i also have a brother out there named Joshua Wilson. My mom had to give me up beacuse she did drugs really bad. I want to meet my mom because I've had a messed up life and i want to see if she is doing any better now. I have never seen my mom or my brother before but i hope to soon. o me
*RAp* *RoCk* *CoUnTrY*
*ScaRy MOvIe* *EiGhT mIlE* *SaW 3* *TeXaS ChAiNsAw MaSsAcRe..ThE BeGInInG* *JoE dIrT*
*LaGuNa bEaCh* *The HiLlS* *MaUi FeVeR* *ThE rEaL WoRlD* *ArMy wIfEs*
The only book I love to read is the one that my real mom wrote to me about her life until she gave me up for adoption.img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='
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