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I am here for Friends

About Me

Jim Varney is LEGEND!
I'm gonna tell it like it is.
A lot of people think I am a douche bag. But that is merely a case of me being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am a genuine person and I do what I can to be a nice guy. Sure I may screw up every once in a while. Sorry, I will try to stop being human for everyone who doesn't believe in forgiveness.
One of the most unattractive things to me is a girl holding a beer bottle. Just as unattractive as a girl blowing smoke out of her face. No amount of beauty can wipe the sludge from an image like that.
I am very strong on respect. I don't want to be friends with people who don't respect themselves because I respect my friends...
What is disrespect for ones self? Well let me list it all according to what I believe.
Smoking. I don't understand how you can think it's attractive or respectful to ones self to meaninglessly inhale chemicals that have been proven to be harmful.
Drinking. What's fun about having fun that you won't remember the next day during your hangover?
Obesity. Yes, obesity. I find it shameful and disgusting when someone can allow themselves to become obese. Show some self respect and keep up your image. Sure it may be hard to do in some cases, but are you really so lazy that you stop caring about your health?
If you take offense to any of those three, then you probably fall into one of the categories...I suggest you fix the problem as soon as humanly possible, and if you need help I will be glad to be there for you.
YES, okay? YES I am shallow. I always will be. But don't think that I am saying I won't be your friend if I don't find you attractive. That is not the case at all. After all, I don't go around thinking I am a bright star in a black winter's night myself. But I do respect myself. And that is always enough.
Say hello and maybe it will lead to the conversation of a lifetime. ..

My Interests

Some good things die before they get the chance to flourish.


Family is the only thing that lasts forever.

My Blog

Hour road.

The drive back [home].I miss you. I have and I will always.I live in Reno, and where are you? So close, but so so far away.I don't like it. I don't want it.Ever just wanna pull over to the side of the...
Posted by xTotzx on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:00:00 PST

It was for you.

Not me. Not us.
Posted by xTotzx on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:20:00 PST

Pedals Off a Flower.

Honestly. I miss the days before 'these days'.I miss the small gatherings. The friends, the good friends and the best friends.I miss waking up to go out and be someone I am not. I hate putting on a un...
Posted by xTotzx on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 12:21:00 PST

Lame as it may sound...

I wanna fall in love.
Posted by xTotzx on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:42:00 PST

The boy.

Did you hear about the boy with two hearts? Both of them broken.   Did you hear about the boy with brown eyes? Both shedding tears.   Did you hear about the boy calling in the dark for...
Posted by xTotzx on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 09:57:00 PST

The Difference Between Hot and Cold.

Strange times, I'll tell you that much. For the first time I feel like I am not in full control. Sure I have felt that before, but along with the feelings in the past I have always felt that luck woul...
Posted by xTotzx on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:28:00 PST

When all the world is blind.

You know something...a revolution can happen in the blink of an eye.Every day, I drive my car. And every day I get one step closer.What if tomorrow is the day? I mean, what if tonight is my last night...
Posted by xTotzx on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:01:00 PST

Props to a good guy.

I wanna let it be known how much I value one of my friendships in particular.To a guy who has always been honest, straight forward, and quite frankly, one of the most real people I have ever met.I hav...
Posted by xTotzx on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:18:00 PST

To please the world.

 One must first fail miserably.Why does it have to be that way?Where in order to get something done right, something somewhere must go wrong."WHAT?! Tommy is happy?!This is entirely unacceptable....
Posted by xTotzx on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:21:00 PST

Hawai'i 22.

And every single one means more than one would think. Well, at least 11.But ask yourself, is it the lyrics or the music?Well neither, dear friend. It's the moments that lead to the pair. You know EXAC...
Posted by xTotzx on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 11:52:00 PST