Cooking, skiing, trips with friends, traveling, camping, laying on the beach, watching the Red Sox and the Celtics, wiffle ball, lawn darts, bocce ball, golf, shopping, shopping, shopping
I first found Myspace a little over 3 years ago. It seemed like a great way to find all of the people I have met in the last 29 years. As an Army Brat who went into the Navy I had the luxury of meeting all kinds of people. Some of them are still great friends.
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I love music, almost all of it. Believe it or not there may be 10 cd's in my entire collection. I am a radio person. It is so bad I could not even tell you the names of my favorite songs. The only concerts I have been to are; Super Rock (1990), Phish and Kenny Chesney. When it comes to music you can't discriminate.
Dead Like Me, Real World, CSI (all of them), House Hunters, Soprano's
I tend to read magaizines and Dr. Seuss