Anything that involves an adrenaline rush.....I find peace in life when I don't have to worry about anything except for what's right in front of me. I need to find someone to go skydiving with me...
Anybody. Everybody.
My hero is my younger brother Chris. He passed away on April 5th, 2005 from complications due to a growth in his small intestine. He was diagnosed with a severe case of Cerebral Palsy at birth so his life started off with more trouble then most experience in an entire lifetime. However, he was always a fighter, and the most positive minded person I have ever personally met. Even though he spent his 19 years on this planet confined to a wheel chair with the inability to communicate with anyone other then the people that were very close to him, he never DIDN'T have a smile on his face. I am serious when I say this kid's smile could light up a dark room. His face would glow when he smiled, it was contageous too. He never took any experience he gained on this planet for granted. He appreciated every little thing anyone ever did for him. If everyone was as open minded and positive in the face of controversy as my brother was (myself included) this world would be a much better place. Even though he is gone physically I know that he is still with me spiritually. The last 2-1/2 years without him in my family's life has been incredibly hard but at the same time I know he is in a better place now and I will eventually be reunited with him when my time on this planet has expired...Chris and myself when I was home during Christmas 2002. Rest in peace my brother........