My name is Carl aka Car-Lo aka PsYcHoMaNtYsS aka Clark aka Kerl or whatever the fuck you wanna call me. i like heavy Rock/Rap video gamming and hooking up my truck. I am a workaholik, alkaholik meglomaniac quadrapeleigic with uncontrollable schizophrenia, if you feel the need to help me you may send a cash donation to my ,er, business adress, Dammit! i'm no good at conning, but mommy told me i could be anything when i grow up so i became....(drumroll) an asshole. just kiddin i'm actually a fun guy who'll do anything for a laugh. i'm as nonchalont as they get (that means i don't give a shit) and pretty easy going. except when someone mentions tangerines and i go ballistik aaarrrrrrggggg!!!! yup that's me in a nutshell, no wait heres me in a nutshell "oh no, i'm in a nutshell" "how did i get in this nutshell?"