bikes, old soviet posters and tattoos.
My name is Andres and im crazy. 20 years, without a job, without money but with a huge plan to create a army to conquer your heart (and the world too).
I run The Broken Heart Brigade , a blog dedicate to everyone who have a broken heart or love someone and i have a Flickr and a Fotolog and i think "Worlds" of Farside is one of the greatest song ever made.
D LIKE TO MEET:Henry Rollins, Rocky Votolato, Eduardo Galeano, Noam Chomsky and maybe you.
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Lately... Farside, Run DMC, Rocky Votolato, Smashing Pumpkins, Fiskales Ad Hok and I am the lost sea.
a clockwork orange,barry lyndon,full metal jacket,the lord of the ring (I,II and III),Forrest Gump,Star Wars.
lost and dr house
"the tunnel" · E. Sabato. "poems and antipoems" · N. Parra. "La Insoportable levedad del ser" Milan Kundera "Las venas abiertas de america latina" · Eduardo Galeano