andres. profile picture


the v revolution

About Me

Hello Fellas!, My name is Andres and i have 19 years old ,I'm straight edge and vegan, usually i'm going to shows, mosh hard,walk with my crew or something like that. Welcome Sarajevo is my new zine, with interview to En mi Defensa,El Eterno Enemigo and [email protected] is the email of the zine if you have any question,doubt,want a copie,etc,etc. Now im working in a vegetarian store, i eat a lot of tofu and doing nothing!

My Interests

bikes, old soviet posters and tattoos.

I'd like to meet:

My name is Andres and im crazy. 20 years, without a job, without money but with a huge plan to create a army to conquer your heart (and the world too). I run The Broken Heart Brigade , a blog dedicate to everyone who have a broken heart or love someone and i have a Flickr and a Fotolog and i think "Worlds" of Farside is one of the greatest song ever made. ----------------------------------------------------------I' D LIKE TO MEET:Henry Rollins, Rocky Votolato, Eduardo Galeano, Noam Chomsky and maybe you. homeaddmessagecommentblockpicturesblogfriendsHide Myspace music player


Lately... Farside, Run DMC, Rocky Votolato, Smashing Pumpkins, Fiskales Ad Hok and I am the lost sea.


a clockwork orange,barry lyndon,full metal jacket,the lord of the ring (I,II and III),Forrest Gump,Star Wars.


lost and dr house


"the tunnel" · E. Sabato. "poems and antipoems" · N. Parra. "La Insoportable levedad del ser" Milan Kundera "Las venas abiertas de america latina" · Eduardo Galeano

My Blog

Blog Legal

Tengo un blog legal, este es para decir que solo tengo un blog legal. direccion???
Posted by andres. on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 07:43:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by andres. on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 03:33:00 PST


Hace tiempo que no escribo nada nuevo aca, contare algunas cosas, solo algunas. Como muchos saben (y otros no), vengo saliendo de una larga relacion, no se dieron las cosas como queriamos ambos y se c...
Posted by andres. on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:19:00 PST


El Hombre Imaginario · Nicanor Parra El hombre imaginario vive en una mansion imaginaria rodeado de arboles imaginarios a la orilla de un rio imaginario. De los muros que son imaginarios...
Posted by andres. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST