| View Show | Create Your Ownno its not right to judge anyone.
.ive done it before.. and it takes awhile to realize what it is that u do wrong
but when you do find out what it is that you need to change in your life
..you find your true self..and nothing feels better than that..im
not perfect and niether is the person that is reading this..we all mess up ..we all sin.. the only thing that sets you free
is getting into a relationship with GOD..you will never find a love like this..God has blessed me with a wonderful family..
a hardworking family that has struggled to get where they are..
and wonderful people that teach me about his love everyday...its because of their words that i want to do the same,
if it only makes one person think twice about their life then my goal is accomplished..everytime i feel like something
can get worse he proves his love to me like never before...today has been a wonderful day and tomorrow even better because
its another day i grow with him ...
words can hurt and worldly things can blur your vision but when u realize that we are all brothers and sisters..things change
and i love those people more than ever before..
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