Free Myspace Graphicswell lets see... i like dirt bikes... muddin'... the country livin' lifestyle... and the girls...yes the girls intrests me... i like gettin' the ranger muddy' every now and then... girls... sittin' at billy's out on the lake... works fun... sometime's... i think... wastin' time... fishin'...(the whole redneck thing i guess)...cuttin' fixin' up my truck...(just to frame it out in a mud hole')...
i want to meet JoE DiRt... oh and MiKe JoNeS... who... i also want to meet the guy from saving private ryan... jus' kiddin'... oh and the two dudes in the dodge hemi commercial... "that thing got a hemi???" lol... oh and anyone in between those 2 are fine by me... heres a few more... a descent girl... a nice girl... a girl that don't lie... and a girl who don't cheat... if you happen to stumble across one... tie her to a tree and contact me a.s.a.p. i'd like to meet her... ***and one that is not pshyco as hell *** Sara Evans would do just fine...
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i like ray charles... the song's i love to listen to: hick town... billys got his beer goggles on... redneck yacth club... blues man... she don't tell me to... where i come from... the chicks dig it... and a few more... can't remember em' all...*update*... i'm in love with a stripper... MiKe JoNeS... snoop doggy dogg... lol... arron watson...(he sings the hale co. song)... alan jackson... wynona judd... lol... johnny cash is king... elvis presley... marvin gaye... waylon jennings... kenny chesney... clay walker... montgomery gentry... lynard skynard... and chris knight he sing's "oil patch town"...the end*
we have no vcr... if you must know...
sanford and son... dukes of hazzard... good times... that 70's show... andy griffith show... and the cmt channel...... cop's... CHiP's(puncherallo & baker are the shit)... reno 911... american chooper... monster truck racing on speed channel... cmt... life style's of the not so rich and famous... trailor fabulous... mtv's cribs... pimp my ride... yo' momma... and real life'... oh and trick my truck... it's on cmt.. as well...
motocoss survey
bike? ThE Red CrF250R.... HoNdA BaBy...
Gear? oLd ScHooL AxO...
Helmet? HjC...
Goggles? sCoTt...
Graffix? StOcK...
Favorite pro? ChAd ReEd...
Favorite amature? UhH...
SX or MX? i JuSt WaNnA LeArN To RiDe FiRsT
Track? GoRdO... So FaR...
energy drink? CoLd BeEr...
Broken bones? nOnE YeT...
dirt type? aNy...
Gate/ dirt or concrete? DiRt...
im backed by? pShH... i WiSh... DaDdy WoN't EvEn SpOnSoR Me...
harry potter... not... i'm currently reading... how to pick the right girl for you... and what not to say to a girl in the bar... authers for these books are jerry-wayne l. pick up a copy in his truck after class in the shelton state parkin lot'
1. WeLL... i CaN't SaY No... To AnYtHiNg
2. i HaVe DrEaM's ThAt WoN't EvEr SeE DaYLiTe...
3. i Try To HaRd iN ReLaTiOnShiPs... LiVe n LeArN...
4. i ThiNk 2 DaMn MuCh...
5. My RaNgEr iS a BaD AsS TrUcK...
6. FaMiLy LiFe iS GrEaT...
7. WaNt a FoX LoGo TaToO...
8. "TiMe WeLL WaStEd" iS a ThEmE SoNg 4 Me...
9. "i'M DoiN' My BeSt"... iS My LiFe SoNg...
10. i HaTe GiRLs ThaT TaKe ThiNgs FoR GRaNtEd...
11. i LovE To WoRk OuTsiDe...
12. My FaVoRiTe MoViE iS "aMeRiCaN oUtLaWs"...
13. i OwN a CoWbOy HaT...
14. GiRL's ThaT WeAr gLaSsEs aRe HoT...
15. i FiNaLLy GoT My BiKe...
16. i LikE ThE SiMpLe ThiNgS iN LiFe...
17. My NeXt TrUcK WiLL SiTtiN' oN 22's WiTh 40's
18. i HaTe GiRlS ThAt OnLy LikE GuYs FoR ThErE TrUcK's
19. i'M aN AuBuRn FaN... Go TiGeRs'...
20. i LoVe ThE RaiN !!!
21. i WiSh PpL cOuLd SeE mE WhEn ThEre NoT ArOuNd...
22. i SeCrEtLy LiKe DesPeRaTe HoUsEwiVeS...
23. i'M To NiCe To GirLs...
24. i'D LiKe To KnoW Why GiRLs ThiNk i'M aN AsShoLe ???
25. i WaNt To LiVe On A FaRm OnE DaY...
26. i NeEd a VaCaTiOn...
27. i LoVe The GiRL i'M WiTh...(WaS WiTh.. iT'S OvEr NoW...)
28. i WaNt To KnOw WhO ToOk mY CoOLeR...
29. ThErE's A ReAsOn WhY ThErE YoUr Ex... iT's My MoTtO...
SuPeR MaN... batman and robin... joe dirt... the whole dukes of hazzard team... president bush... chris ledoux(cowboy) my uncle wesley...(he can weld anything back together)... billy phillips... matt davis... jerry wayne... and my dad... sorry if i left any out... i might think of a few more... *oh and last but not least* ThE MeXiCaN's ThAt SeLL OrAnGe'S On ThE siDe Of ThE rOaD NeAr HoMe DePoT... haha