Myspace Cursors FaVoRiTeS
CoLoR Red
SpOrT Football
FoOd Grilled Chicken Salad
DaY oF tHe WeEk Friday
SeAsOn Winter
MoNtH August
PlAcE Seven Springs
BoYs NaMe Mike (of course)
GiRlS nAmE Becky
DeSsErT Skittles
CoOkIe Chocolate Chip
IcE cReAm Peanut Butter
BaSeBaLl TeAm Indians ThIs Or ThAt
CoKe/PePsI Pepsi
PhOnE/Im Phone
ShOwEr/BaTh Shower
HoT dOg/HaMbUrGeR Hamburger
DoG/cAt Dog
BaSeBaLl/FoOtBaLl Football
SoFtBaLl/VoLlEyBaLl Volleyball
SuMmEr/WiNtEr Winter
SpRiNg/FaLl Fall
[Write in cursive or print?] Print
[Own a web cam?] No
[Know how to drive?] Yes
[Own a cell phone?] No
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Yes HAVE U EVER
[Been in a fist fight?] Yes
[Considered a life of crime?] No
[Considered being a hooker?] Yes LOL!
[Lied to someone?] Yes
[Been in love?] Yes, I still am w/ Rebecca Lynn Wilks
[Made out with JUST a friend?] No
[Been in lust?] YES
[Used someone] I Don't Think
[Been used?] Yes
[Been cheated on?] YES
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] LoL! No!
[Stolen anything?] Yes
[Held a gun] Yes CURRENTS
[Current clothing] American Eagle Polo, Jeans, Kswiss Shoes
[Current mood] In Love
[Current taste] Sweet
[What you currently smell like] Hollister cologne
[Current hair] Longish brown
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Watching a Movie w/ Becky
[Current cd in stereo] Fall Out Boy
[Last book you read] Never Read
[Last movie you saw] National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
[Last thing you ate] Orange
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Becky
[Do drugs?] No
[Believe there is life on other planets?] HELL NO!
Remember your first love?] YES
[Still love him/her?] YES
[Read the newspaper?] No
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] No
[Believe in miracles?] YES
[Do well in school?] Kinda
[Wear hats] Yes
[Hate yourself?] No
[Have an obsession?] No
[Collect anything?] No
[Have a best friend?] Yes
[Close friends?] Yes
[Like your handwriting?] No
[Care about looks] Kinda LOVE LIFE
[First crush] Rebecca Lynn Wilks
[First kiss] Ashley Stewart
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yes
[Are you a tease?] Kinda
[Too shy to make the first move?] Sometimes ARE U A
[Daydreamer] Kinda
[Bitch/Asshole] Asshole
[sarcastic] Yes
[Angel] Yes
[Devil] No
[Shy] Yes
M Mystical
I Ideal
K Kind
E Edgy Name / Username: