Myspace Backgrounds
I want to hold you
and call you mine again..Haay!
I'm Megs
I'm studying Sociology and media studies at Pompey uni atm
And loving it!
I have a Gorgeous Boyfriend called Ad,we have the Best time together.
Ive met soo many wickid people here
but not forgetting my mates back home,who i miss Loads.
Life is Amazing. [Choosing Pompey uni was [the best decision i've ever made].I love meeting so many new people and being Guarenteed an amazing night everynight.I can't wait till everyone comes to visit;But beware*[Cheap drinks = Bladdered 24/7.*]*[Even though i love it here,i still miss alot of my friendlys back home];Shes a ledge;[&& All the other legends that i've been lucky enough to know].I love these guys to bits These are some of my flatmatespartying hard at *!!TigerTiger*[*][!!I miss Barcelona 2006 and the Fun we had.]*<[b>Mr Carlos.]Miss him lots and lots and his cuddly carl cuddlesx x x