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..SEX IS A TEMPTATION, CAUSED BY A SENSATION, WHEN A MAN PUTS HIS DICTATION IN A WOMANS VENTILATION, DO YOU GET MY CONVERSATION? OR DO YOU NEED A DEMONSTRATION 183*919*6191 Hit Me Up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Types of Pu$$y & Types of D*ck If you are a man I think that you can agree there are many types of pu$$y that a man can experience. If you are a woman I think that you can agreethat every man does not react to your pu$$y the same.These are just some reasons why men act different to different pu$$ies. LAZY PU$$Y - This is when there is no movement on the woman..s part except trying to stop full thrust of the d*ck into the pu$$y. She says faster, faster but still is not putting any effort into the action at hand. THE WENDY"S WINDOW PU$$Y - This is the girl you pick up around 12:30a.m when everyone is sleeping and she knows that you are coming so she is waiting by the door. You don..t have to beep the horn or call her from the car cause she knows the deal. She usually is not the best looking girl. You are never seen with this girl in public places and you hate that she mentions your name to her friends. There is no reason to ask how your day was because it is too late for conversation. It is ! all agreed upon before she evens gets into the car. Nine out of ten times, there is no talk of relationship, because that might spoil the mood. THE CONQUERED PU$$Y - This is the girl who teased you for about two or three years and finally you get your chance and you please the pu$$y in a way it has never been pleased before. Now you have this girl calling you and wondering when ya..ll can HOOK UP again. There is no pussy better then THE CONQUERED PU$$Y. THE ALL INCLUSIVE PU$$Y - This when you get all the benefits of sex. The pu$$y is yours for the taking. Whether it is night or day, still in her church dress type pu$$y. The pu$$y smells like roses even after sex and tastes better than candy. Not only is the pu$$y yours whenever or wherever you want it, she give you ALL thesexual favors you can imagine. The head is tremendous, the kind that you write your n*ggas in jail about and she can handle the dick when you hit it from the back. To top it off, sh! e is not scared to take it in the a$$. This is in close running with THE CONQUERED PU$$Y for the best pu$$y to ever get. THE OUT OF TOWN PU$$Y - This is the pu$$y you met on the last trip you and the fellas took. She only keeps in touch via email and she does not want a long distance relationship. She visits only at your discretion and always comes alone but is willing to bring a friend. She is number one when you go back to that city and only wants to have lunch to catch up on missed conversation. THE OUT OF TOWN PU$$Y is necessary for the traveling single man. THE FRUSTRATION PU$$Y - This is the girl you call when you need to let some loose. You decide to call her when your day at work is miserable. You may even set this up before leaving work or on the way home. The only reason for this activity to take place is to get your mind off of other things. Afterwards you might think to yourself and say why did I just do that. The girl who is receiving t! he d*ck doesn..t mind cause she doesn..t get much action to begin with. THE FRUSTRATION PU$$Y is sometimes THE WENDY..S WINDOW PU$$Y. THE FREQUENT FLIER PU$$Y - This is the girl you know is f**king around, but you just don..t care. She has lubrications that are halfway used already. She always has condom wrappers in her bathroom trash and beer in the fridge. The only reason why you keep f**king is because it..s good, she..s not bad looking and there could never be a relationship. It has not been proven, but she could have f**ked one of the guys you use to go to school with. The pu$$y is not loose, but it is not THE HANDS ON THE HIPS PU$$Y. I..ll get to that later..... TIME TO GO PU$$Y - This is the pu$$y that when the pants come off her you can smell the nahh nahh! Fellas if this happens it is not even worth the two bars of soap it will take to get rid of the stench off your d*ck. This occurs with girls you bring home from the club, so to avoid this, take a good whiff while in the car with her or better yet invite her to take ashower with you. THE TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT PU$$Y - This is the girl everyone expects you to f**k. You haven..t touched her cause she either has a big mouth, lives next door or is a close friend of the family..s relative. There is also the chance that she is all three. She is cute but you know the consequences. She continues to tease you with the pussy and at any moment when the both of you are alone, she lets you know she wants to f**k. The best thing to do is f**k her friend. Last but not least......... THE HANDS ON THE HIPS PU$$Y - This is the girl that you f**ked only one time cause she could not handle the d**k. No matter the position you tried, she complains that it hurts. Not only is she screaming like you are murdering the woman, but she puts her hands on your hips so that you can..t get your full stroke on. It..s like f**king with half of your d**k. She does not know the proper way to suck d**k so there is no pleasure there. and doggy style to her is just Snoop's first album. Types of D**k MISERABLE D*CK - When the guy is extremely handsome. He says the right things,does the right things. When it comes to sex, he is lacking in this department. He sucks your tits too hard, kisses your mouth too long, stays around your neck forever, fingers you like a GYN Doctor, licks your pu&&y like he was in a track meet and has a very small d*ck. You try to give him some head and only find that you are actually sucking a pacifier. This is so miserable. You think, "how can a guy so fine, so polite have weak game?" To top everything off ladies, how about just when in your mind your going to try to get the best out of this even if you have to make yourself cum and he beats you to the punch. DAMN, I cannot believe he came in 3minutes!!! TOLERABLE D*CK -This is funny d*ck. He eats major pu$$y. He eats it so good, your knees feel a little weak. It was good enough to make you shed a tear. Then he puts his d*ck in, for you to realize that you cannot really feel it!! His stroke is irregular and non-rhythmic. You work with it by riding out on it as if you were in a Wild Wild West Movie. You hold your pelvic real tight and try to visualize the last big d*ck you had to get your mind off this less than filling d*ck. It..s funny because in the man..s mind he..ll say, that we just have big pu$$y..s from having too much sex and that is why we cannot feel him. Only for them to forget that the pu$$y is a muscle that accommodates! the size of the penis. If she has had children already it will only shrink so much. INTERNET D*CK - Well, how would we define this type of d*ck? You see, online they talk a damn good game. You meet and you fuck. The catch is you had an orgasm online, over the phone and a fake orgasm in person. But, there are some Internet d*cks that are exceptions to this definition. Bottom line____________. HE COULD NOT MAKE YOU CUM!! OVERWHELMED D*CK - I believe this d*ck ladies we all can testify to. Like, Whoa! This is the type of d*ck you misjudged. You saw some signs of weakness in this man. He always caters to you and really does not discuss what he can do in bed with you. When kissing him, you notice you make his knees weak. You hold out on giving him some and tease him. You know what size d*ck he has because you have either A:given him some mean-a$$ head. Or B: Stroked it while he was wearing pants or boxers. So, you thought in your mind, "I am going to pussy feed and whip him." Only to find he laid the "SMACK DOWN"on your pu$$y. He had you in a figure eight.You were so overwhelmed that you could not even speak. Your whole pre-calculated f*ck was down the drain. He had more game than you. He was like an energizer bunny that kept going and going. You could notevenhang. Nowyou look at him in a diffe! rent light. PUNISHABLE D*CK - This is the d*ck that pisses me off the most. You see, the guy you..re sleeping with punishes your pu$$y. If he, had a bad or good day at work, "he punishes your pu$$y." If he, had a good or bad meal, "he punishes your pu$$y." If he..s pissed off at you, "he punishes your pu$$y." No matter what, "he punishes your pu$$y." It is easy to tell if the guy your with falls into this category. He always uses phrases like these when he is f*cking you: "DON..T RUN FROM THIS D*CK", "AIN..T THIS SOME GOOD D*CK, "TELL ME YOU LIKE THIS D*CK," "WHAT IS MY NAME," "WHOSE PU$$Y THIS BELONGS TO," "I DON..T HEAR YOU TALK! ING SHIT NOW" and finally, "YOU LIKE WHEN DADDY GETS THIS PU$$Y AND WHIPS IT!"! While all this is being said, heis literally smacking your a$$, f*cking your walls sore, sweat is dripping like it was raining and he acts like he is in a fight. GUILTY D*CK - Ladies who have cheated on their man temporarily can say, "AMEN" to this type of d*ck. Ladies, this is the type of d*ck that makes you cry and confess to your man you f*cked someone else. The Guilty D*ck made you want to tell everybody. Guilty D*ck is in a class of it..s on. Guilty D*ck make you look and feel different about the dick you got at home.Guilty D*ck made you have multiple orgasms. Made you cry and you had no clue to why. This d*ck is so intense, when it is being administered it sent you in a trance. He has a slow long stroke, sweats on you, asks you if you..re comfortable about six times, you started at 6 PM and it is now going on 9PM and he is not tired and has not c*m! yet. He licks on your pu$$y as if he was a baby cat licking warm milk, he savors it like you..re the main coursemeal, he smells it like fine wine and does not rushfrom the spot, he flipsyou! over and begins licking your pu$$y from the back and your ass at the same time. He takes his fingers and inserts them in your pu$$y and looks at you, offers you a tasteand begins sucking the ice/c*m off of hisfingers. By now you..re in shock and forgot all about your man. You act as if you wanthim to stop, but the pu$$y is screaming for more. He has at least two inches more than your man. Guilty D*ck makes you think in your mind for a split second,"Oh Baby! I am sorry." Guilty D*ck in the end you try to avoid. When you..re back with yourman, you..re wondering why he cannot perform like Guilty D*ck. You even havethe nerve to get mad and then instruct him to do what Guilty D*ck did to you. PLEASURABLE D*CK - This is good convenient d*ck. Easy d*ck. D*ck you can call when your body needs a f! ix. You might as well call it "SPLAKEVELLIE." He gives you major head like GUILTY D*CK and f*cks you like GUILTY D*CK.Only thing is, you do not have a man, so you..re not feeling guilty. Whenever you call the d*ck is ready. His d*ck craves your pu$$y. This d*ck is available anytime, anyplace. GOD DAMN D*CK! - Ladies, now this is d*ck that will definitely send you to hell if your not married to it. This d*ck is just like PLEASURABLE and GUILTY D*CK. His d*ck is any where from 8 to 11inches long and the circumference of a half dollar. This d*ck makes you numb, cry and pray all at the same time. While he is getting it doggy style you look towards the heavens and say, "GOD DAMN THIS IS SOME GOOD D*CK!"! CAP..N D*CK - This is the gold mine d*ck. This d*ck is the d*ck that you commit yourself too. You do not cheat on it and you keep it a well kept secret. In fact, you constantly crave and feign for this d*ck. When you get this d*ck,! you go through covulsions. This is the d*ck that makes you EVERREADY. You call in sick from work for it. GOSH!!! This dck is so major it is OVERWHELMED D*CK, PEASURABLE D*CK, GULITY D*CK, AND GOD DAMN D*CK all in 1.....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace
Full Name:: George Rafeal Speede
Birthday:: April 27, 1984
Birthplace:: Washington D.C.
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'10
Weight:: 130
Right handed or Left handed?: Rite
Your Heritage:: Dominican
My Worst Habit:: Pussy
Zodiac Sign:: Taurus
Shoe Size:: 9 1/2
Pants Size:: 32-34
Innie or Outie?:
Parents Still Together?: Yea
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Jordans
Your Weakness:: Good Head
Your Fears:: Bad Head
Your Perfect Pizza:: Pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year::
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Yea yea & Wut eva
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Roll Up
Your Best Physical Feature:: My tongue
Your Bedtime:: When i turn 90 in 2074
Your Most Missed Memory:: My Grandma
Favorite color?: Black & Blue
Food?: Pussy
Sport?: Fuckin
Animal?: Cat
Ice Cream?: Pussy
Candy?: Pussy
Store?: Coogi
Salad Dressing?: None
Actor?: Super Head
Song?: MySpace Freak
Letter?: " S "
Number?: " 21 "
Gum?: Pussy
Holiday?: My Birthday
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Colgate
Radio Station?: 92.3
Perfume?: Pussy
Scent besides perfume?: Pussy
Body part on the opposite sex?: Mouth
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A Porno Star
How Do You Want To Die?: Horny
Turn ons:: Good Pussy
Turn offs:: Bad Pussy
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: No One
Who's The Loudest?: Me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Bobby
Who Have You Known The Longest?:
Who's The Shyist?: Me
When Have You Cried The Most?: When I Was Locked Up
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Nuttin In Ur Mouth
Worst Feeling?: Ur Teeth
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: South Beach
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: My Money In Da Bank
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Until 90
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's look at the: Stars
What a nice: Ass
Where did all the: Diceater's GO
Why can't we: Jus 69
Silly, little: Freak
Isn't it weird that: U Can Feel It In Ur Stomach
Never under any circumstance: Should U " STOP "
I wish: I Had 2 Dick's
Everyone has a: Problem
I am: A Back Banggin, Hiar Pullin, Ass Lickin, Flip U Over & Suck Ur Pussy From Da Back Type Of Person
Been In Love?: Yea
Been To Juvie?: Yea
Mooned Someone?: Yea
Been Rejected?: Yea
Ran Away From Home?: Yea
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Hell Yea
Skipped School?: Yea
Thought About Suicide?: Nope
Slept Outside?: Yea
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Yea
Cried In School?: Yea
Thrown Up In School?: Yea
Wanted To Be a Model?: Yea
Cheated On Someone?: Yea
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Yea
Seen A Dead Body?: Yea
Been Bitched Out?: No
Drank Alcohol?: Yea....Rite Now
Smoked?: Yea....Rite Now
Been On Drugs?: Yea....Rite Now
Eaten Sushi?: No...Does It Taste Like Pussy
Been On Stage?: Yea
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Yea
Shoplifted?: Yea
Been Drunk?: Yea
Been Called A Tease?: Yea
Been Beaten Up?: Yea
Swear?: Yea
Sing Well?: No
Shower Daily?: Yea
Want To Go To College?: Yea
Want To Get Married?: Yea
Believe In Yourself?: Yea
Get Motion Sickness?: No
Think You Are Attractive?: Yea
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yea
Like Thunderstorms?: Yea
Play An Instrument?: Yea
Own An IPOD?: Yea
Pray?: Yea
Go To Church?: Sumtimes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: No
Keep A Journal/Diary?: No
Dance In The Rain?: Yea
Sing In The Shower?: Yea
Pepsi or Coke?: Both
McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates?: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Both
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat
TV or Movie?: Both
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: Nike "Jus Do It"
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios
Cake or Pie?: Cake
MTV or VH1?: BET
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Do The Splits?: No
Write With Both Hands?: No
Whistle?: Yea
Blow A Bubble?: Yea
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yea
Cross Your Eyes?: Yea
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Yea
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: No
Dance?: Yea
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Yea
You Touched:: Myself
You Talked To On The Phone:: Audie
You Instant Messaged:: Dannelle
You Hugged:: My Baby Muva
You Yelled At:: My Son Alax
You Played A Sport With:: My Son
Time You Laughed?: Last Nite
Time You Cried?: When My Grandma Past
Movie You Watched?: The One
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Pussy
Joke You Told?:
Song You've Sung?: Robin Thicke "Lost Without You"
Where Are You?: Home
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Ravens Stadium
Are You Listening To Music?: Yea
What Are You Wearing?: Nothing
What's On Your Mousepad?: Dell
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yea
Do you believe in miracles?: Yea
Magic?: Yea
Love at first sight?: Yea
God?: Yea
Satan?: Yea
Ghosts?: Yea
Santa?: yea
Evolution?: Yea
IN A Girl...
Fav Eye Color:: Blue Or Green
Fav Hair Color:: Regular
Short or Long Hair:: Both
Height:: Dont Matter
Weight:: Dont Matter
Best Clothing Style:: Dope Gurl Fresh..She Has 2 Pop Tags
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: China
Number Of CD's I Own:: 2 Many
Your Good Luck Charm:: Money
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 8
Do you drink milk?: Yea
Person You Hate Most:: You
Most Outdated Phrase:: Wut U Got On My 40
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 1
What is something scientists need to invent?: A Pussy Magnet
Are you a health freak?: No
Are you a virgin?: Yea
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: "Venus" To See Where Women Come From
What is the worst weather?: Cold
Did you play with G.I. Joe's as a child?: Yea
How many grades have you failed?: None
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My Interests

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Black
Height:: 5'10
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: Speedy
Favorite Band:: Three 6 Mafia
Favorite Movie:: King Of Comedy
Favorite Show:: C.S.I
Your Car:: 1999 Crown Victory
Your Hometown:: Washington D.C.
Your Present Town:: Baltimore MD
Your Crushes First Name:: Lauren Ray
Your Grade:: First Year Of Collage
Your Style::
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yep
Kissed someone in the rain?: A lil more than dat
Danced in a public place?: Yea and I got locked up!
Smiled for no reason?: Naw
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yea
Peed your pants after age 8?: Nope
Written a song?: Ummmmm........ "NO"
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yea............"YAHH Trick YAHH"
Performed on a stage?: Yea
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yep
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: No
Made out in a theatre?: If dats wut u call it
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yea
Been in love?: Yea
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Da Corner Store Man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell you, I love you?: My Babymuva
Kiss you?: "SAME"
Hug you?: "SAME"
Tell you BYE?: "SAME"
Write you a note?: "SAME"
Take your photo?: Baltimore Cental Booking And Intake Center
Call your cell phone?: Dis gurl name Mia
Buy you something?: My Brother
Go with you to the movies?: My Babymuva
Sing to you?: Da Mail Lady
Write a poem about you?: Nobody
Text message you?: "Boost Moble"
Touch you?: My "Son"
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: When I was With My Grandma
Time you cried?: When I got Locked up
Movie you watched?: Death Sentence
Joke you told?: Geuss Wut? WUT? "Chicken Butt"
Song you've sang?: Dey Know, Dey Know
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now
Drink you've had?: Seagram's GIN
Number you've dialed?: 411
Book you've read?: The Bible
Food you've eaten?: Steak
Flavor of gum chewed?: Bubble Yum
Shoes you've worn?: Jordans
Store you've been in?: His And Her's
Thing you've said?: I Need A "BLUNT"
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: No
Whistle?: Yea
Blow a bubble?: Yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Hold on let me c................Yea
Cross your eyes?: Yea
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No
Dance?: Yea
Gleek?: No
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yea last nite and i dont no y....LOL
Speak a different language?: Si yo abla English
Impersonate someone?: Im Stunnin Like My Daddy
Prank call people?: yea "911"
Make a card pyramid?: No
Cook anything?: Yea Chicken Alfredo
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Porno Star...............Ummmmmmmmmmmm
I wish ...: U r dis gurl I met down da "Club"
So many people don't know that ...: "If You Lick It She Will Cum"
I am ...: "HIGH"
My heart is ...: Like a box of chocolate U never no wut u going get!
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I'd like to meet:

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Sex Preference
Top or Bottom From Da Back
Morning or Night In Broad Daylite
Lights on or off Bag Over Ur Head
Touching or kissing Bitting
Giver or Reciever Both
Nice & slow or Rough & fast Always Rough & Fast
Bitting or Kissing Kicking
Scratching or tickling Elbowing
Grabbing or caressing Slamming
loud or quite Off Da Hook
Drunk or Sober Pilled Up
Outside or Inside On Da Moon
Standing up or laying down Standing Up Diggin All Up In Dat Ass
Pain or Pleasure Wut Duz It Mean When She Say's "It Hurt's It's In My Stomach" (Pain or Pleassure) I Don't Know
A Break or straight Wut Da Fuck Is A Break...Is It Like "Time Out" or When She Say's "Hol Up Hol Up...Stop 4 A Sec."
Under or on top of the covers Tied Around Ur Arm's & Legs
Clothes on or off My Clothes On Ur Clothes Off Jus In Case i Get Couht By Ur Mom
Good or Bad
Foreplay NO.......Fuck Dat "5 Play"
Whipped Cream Yes......On My Dick
Fudge Yes......In Da Crack Of Ur Ass
One night stand Yes......Every Nite
Booty calls Yes......All Day
pillow bitting Yep......I need sumthing 2 Shut Ya'll Da Fuck Up
Long toe nails No Hell
Sex toys Yes......K-Y Jelly
Ashy elbows NO.......I Don't Remember
Soft Skin Yes
Music Dat 36, Project Pat, Slob on my Nob, Don't Save Her, Make Dat ass Clap, 2 Way Freak, Dis Bitch Dat Hoe, I Get Da Chewin, Suck On Dick Type Of Music