My Blog
Ramone I dont really know exactly when Ramone was born, but it was in 1999 and probably in the latter part of the year. I like to think that it was in September. Im also not sure when I exactly go...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Sep 2009 22:45:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 16
Note: Although our road trip concluded on Saturday, Sunday was the last day of my vacation. So I present the last (and probably least exciting) day of my summer vacation.July 5, 2009I slept in later...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:01:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 15
July 4, 2009Lesley and I got up at the same time. The sun was shining again and it was hot in the tent. My sunburn was hurting my shoulders. I made oatmeal and tea for breakfast as Sasha got out of...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 20:51:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 14
Note: I was unable to get internet access yesterday. As a result I have posted two days of vacation today. Don't forget to read about Day 13 posted earlier today.July 3, 2009Again I was up before a...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 23:16:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 13
July 2, 2009I was up and about before either Sasha or Lesley. I wrote out my blog notes from the previous day and then put water to boil on the stove. Once I had boiled water I made some tea and oat...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 22:38:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 12
July 1, 2009We awoke to a cloudy morning that soon gave way to sunny breaks. We got up and talked with Dagny while she tried to repair her computer. We used the internet and then had breakfast, toas...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 14:17:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 11
June 30, 2009We woke up on Tuesday morning. It was raining outside, Scott had already left for work hours ago and Dagny had gone out early to run some errands.We got cleaned up and moved our bedding ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 08:30:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 10
June 29, 2009We awoke on a fully inflated air mattress. It was a clear but breezy morning. I fetched water and put some on the campstove to boil. We made some coffee in our percolater and had it wi...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 11:54:00 GMT
Summer Vacation - Day 9
We woke up at 8:40 AM! The complimentary breakfast hours were 6:00 to 9:00 AM. We quickliy got dressed and came downstairs for breakfast. There was an assortment of breakfast goodies available. I ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 11:35:00 GMT
Summer Vacation 2009 - Day 8
June 27, 2009The night was very windy and it rained for much of the night. The good news was that our tent did not get wet inside. The bad news was that our air mattress died and deflated.We got up ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 08:09:00 GMT