My male personality twin.
I keep my mind open to all. There is a favorite song for every mood I fall into. (WHEREAS the incredible Maroon 5 currently tops the list.)
"Brokeback Mountain" and, of late, "Boys Don't Cry" - two sides of the same coin, essentially. Intensely emotional, powerfully sentimental, two of those few that leave a mark.
"Angels in America," along with its 5 Golden Globe Awards, had won my heart forever. I personally recommend it to anyone who is open-minded, sympathetic, and clever enough to understand all the intricate symbolism.
18th-19th century novels (Jane Austen is my personal Idol; then, of course, C. Dickens, the Bronte sisters, G. Eliot, T. Hardy, W. M. Thackeray, and other literary geniuses of that time). I also LOVE Sydney Sheldon - his plots are always gripping, and the language is exquisite. Then, when I crave something creepy (which happens more often than I wish), Stephen King is a god in his genre.
People who sacrifice something every day for the well-being of others. People who are not afraid to live and fall in love. People who have a goal and strive to achieve it. People who dare overcome adversity and assert their rightful place in society.