Living well
Ted Nugent, Michael Moor, and the Dalai Lama at the same time in a small room.
I am working diligently to make myself sick of the Kooks, but it is just not working.
Life is Beautiful, the Austin Powers trilogy, Kill Bill Volumes, High Fidelity, Wedding Crashers, City of God (unfuckingbelievable if you have never seen this movie), old school star wars, ..... the list goes on.
Not a big fan, but my roomates watch the show with the three sluts from playboy, friends, modern marvels, and football.
Atlas Shrugged, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence, the Bible, Plato's Republic, Ayn Rand Lexicon, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Dracula, The Illiad, and of course the intelectually stimulating Maxim magazine. Recent additions to this list are Bram Stoker's Dracula and Krishnamurti's Think on These Thing.
The Fam