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Players only love you when they're playing

About Me

745 is okay
p.s. you know what i hate? lame ass canadian bitches who are all like "are you a BOY or a GIRL??? do you even KNOW what you ARE???" and i'm all like "gender is a social construct, you insipid, ignorant being. society has proscribed my true gender, relegating me to EITHER boy OR girl, neither of which i feel comfortable with. how would you feel if i said 'are you GAY or STRAIGHT??? do you even KNOW what you WANT???' isn't your bisexual identity similar to my identity as a bigendered person? if you don't have to choose between fucking males or females, why should i have to choose to identify as male or female? HMMMMM? answer me THAT, smarty!!"
of course, this entire conversation takes place in my head and the lame ass canadian bitch who trolls myspace spying on her ex will probably never know how much i despise her.
...time for another fourth step!
I wrote some stories. You can buy them if you want...4 bucks including shipping.
Also Available ...
In Portland:
Laughing Horse Books and Video
12 NE 10th (at Burnside)

In Other Words
8 NE Killingsworth
Q is for Choir
2510 SE Clinton
In San Francisco:
Bound Together (Anarchist Collective Bookstore)
1369 Haight St.
Naked Eye Video
607 Haight St.
In Oakland:
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
2278 Telegraph Ave. (at 23rd)
Taylor- At age 73 you will have a heart attack while eating a deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, Elvis style.
(if i'm going out with a heart attack, i'd love to go out eating that...if you haven't tried the fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, you are missing out on moments of heaven in your mouth)
What Is Your Role In A Relationship?
You are the Free Spirit
Free Spirits are mysterious beings, often nature loving, rarely in one place for long, always moving on. Your mystery is your greatest appeal, and your completely unreserved nature can be very attractive. Embarrassment is not something you are well acquainted with.
Some people might consider you to be snobby, and it's true that you can sometimes be aloof, but you are not deliberately condescending, in fact, you believe most people to be better than you, and from your distant perch you can see all the positive attributes that aren't so obvious when close by.
You are a wandering soul who drifts in and out of people's lives, often without realising the impact and affect you have on them. Most of the time you presume people forget you almost as soon as you leave, but your mystery has kept many a heart ensnared for long after you have moved on.
Most compatible with: The Cynic
You need to be given a free rein in a relationship - not be expected to show up on time to dates or make any grand shows of commitment. The Cynic will expect nothing of you, and likes it that you expect nothing of them. With no expectations on either side, the only way to go is up, and with your allure keeping the Cynic interested in you, you'll be surprised how attached you could get!
Least compatible with: The Controlling
The last thing you want is to end up caged. The Controlling will try to rein you in, keep you under control, crushing your independent spirit. You would feel suffocated and dispirited very quickly, and it wouldn't be long before you wilted to half your former glory.
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What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Orange!
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My Interests

I am interested in not being labeled, not being lazy, creating, writing, making music that i will never let anyone hear, looking in the mirror, having good hair, and skateboarding. I also like hugs a lot. Especially hugs from a certain girl with a mohawk.


Metal, Classic Rock, Grunge, Jazz, Funk, Classical, Piano Sonatas, Punk, bluegrass, dance pop, old school hip hop, Soul, boy bands with choreographed dancing, all Queercore (TEAM DRESCH, THE THIRD SEX, POM POM MELTDOWN, LONGSTOCKING, INFINITE XS, AUTOMATICANS, HARUM SCARUM, KAIA, ME), and some country (but don't tell anyone).


paper moon, donnie darko, eternal sunshine, mean girls, dazed and confused, flight of the navigator, goonies, neverending story, mystic river, lost and delirious, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, ginger snaps, a beautiful mind, pi, star wars, lolita, whale rider, crossroads


Punky Brewster, Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Facts of Life, The Patty Duke Show, Quantum Leap, and All My Children


The Color Purple by Alice Walker, Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison, Cunt by Inga Muscio, Eunuchs and Castrati: A Cultural History by Piotr Scholtz, All About Love by bell hooks, The Vitamin Bible, C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, anything Palahniuk, Koontz, Orwell, Sedaris, Woolf, Michelle Tea, James Redfield, Thich Naht Hanh. Anything How-To, about electronics, feminist theory, all biographies, political commentaries, history books and other non-fiction.


June Jordan, Frida Kahlo, my grandma

My Blog

Love is stupid (no it's not, yes it is, no it's not)

The first time the MSN horoscope was meaningful to me:ScorpioNov. 3Let today serve as a reminder for you of the importance of love, dear Scorpio. Don't just think of love as a commodity you must fight...
Posted by Taylorrr on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 08:45:00 PST

Transphobia, Part II

This is my response to the last person who posted a comment on my "transphobia" blog...I thought it deserved its own blog because I just kept typing and it just kept getting longer....While I agree th...
Posted by Taylorrr on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 07:17:00 PST


I recently found out that the one attractive queer girl I have seen in the past ten months that I have lived in this God-forsaken town is an MtF transexual. Though I joked to myself (and myself only, ...
Posted by Taylorrr on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 07:35:00 PST