FULLSIZE profile picture


About Me

The toughest and the most powerfull band in Serbia would be "FULLSIZE". As members of this Belgrade band say: "We play brutal hardcore with metal elements and lotsa mosh!" Who ever likes old school, combined with new school, metal and any kind of "tough" core will be more than pleased with FULLSIZE. Composed of five crazy, Belgrade based, members, live shows is what makes 'em kick and stab. From the fast and furious songs that make your head spin, to slow mosh parts that make you feel the earthquake! And the most powerfull of them all are the singalongs that keep really positive atmosphere troughout all gig! With crushing power of "Betrayal" and trash like songs like "Where to lay my pride" FULLSIZE will definetlly make you scream in mosh pit like crazy.
Started back in '99 as "Grail", after changin a lot of lineups the band was finally established as "FULLSIZE" in 2000. As we said Fullsize is composed of members from old hardcore and metal bands from Serbia. Heavy throat back up and bass player Marko! This wouldn't be the same without the two most powerfull guitar players of our lands: Chewa and Djolle! The last but not the least - wreckage: Ivan.
FULLSIZE played countless shows all over Balkan peninsula because the situation our country was in didn't allow FS to go further (European Union still denies the visas to Serbian people). And music is not the only thing that makes this all worth of listening! Explicit lyrics filled with strong and insubordinate messages attend to wake the careless minds and actuate them to use the brains mother nature provided them with. All of the lyrics are filled with political, social, war and other moral downfalls that FULLSIZE members expirienced during war years in Serbia. Modern world has arranged some heavy rules for us and we are here to break the chains. In spite of everything, there are also songs that keep "the good old hardcore spirit" alive and get positive attitude with many friendship and unity elements!

My Interests


Member Since: 14/12/2005
Band Website: www.shcprecords.co.sr
Band Members:
Steva - Throat

Djole - Guitar

Chewa - Guitar

Ivan - Drums
Influences: 100 Demons,
Bury your dead,
Sounds Like: teen spirit...
Record Label: SHCP RECORDZ

My Blog

Fullsize w/Hatebreed in Sofia!

Posted by on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 01:16:00 GMT

Xmas fest - Sofia...

Brate...Ne znam da li sam ikada bio umorniji od ovoga... Nemamo skoro uopste fotki, pa moram par rechi da kazem... U kratkim crtama : put je poceo u 21h u nedelju... Stizemo u ponedeljak ujutru tamo ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:36:00 GMT

PunShpajZ in ToozlA!

Posted by on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 00:50:00 GMT