I drink this... and I LUV him...
BRANDON BOYD (Hello! I luv, luv, luv him), people I already know, people who I haven't seen in a long time, people who I've just met, people who I haven't met, and anyone who can treat me the way Common describes how he treats a woman in his song "The Light." Actually, I would love to meet Common as well just so I can hug him and tell him how wonderful that song is. retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
Comedy. Me likes the comedy. I hate chick flicks; they give women false hope. And I'll pretty much watch anything w/Johnny Depp or Gael Garcia
Oh my gosh my all time favorite show right now is Grey's Anatomy! Other than that I don't watch T.V. that much but when I do the following are my favorite: Heroes (it was out of force, but now I'm hooked), Family Guy, South Park (luv this show too much), Mind of Mencia, The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report (sooo funny), and Chapelle Show (reruns of course). Lastly, I luv luv luv Sex and the City! Especially when I'm feeling down in the dumps about the opposite sex.
*Autobiography of Malcolm X, *An Autobiography: Angela Davis, *Assata An Autobiography, *A Larger Memory - Takaki, *Amazing Grace - Kozol, *Caramelo - Cisneros, *Dude Where's My Country? - Moore, *Eight Men - Wright, *Great Expectations - Dickens, *Guerilla Warfare - Guevara, *Little Chinese Seamstress - Sijie, *Living for a Change - Boggs, *Lovely Bones - Sebold, *The Mexican Outsider - Menchaca, *Native Son - Wright, *Nickled and Dimed - Ehrenreich, *A People's History of the U.S.: 1492-Present - Zinn, *Possessive Investment in Whiteness - Lipsitz, *Reading Lolita in Tehran - Nafisi, *Stupid White Men - Moore, *The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway, *The Temple of My Familiar - Walker
My Parents and the person who discovered cheese. That person should win a Nobel Peace Prize or something! Cheese is the catalyst that brings us all together. So I guess Cheese is also one of my heroes :)