If Eric were a drink they would be:
2 parts charming 1 parts alluring 2 parts athletic
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I think they left the 7 parts Asshole out of this recipe! LMAO.
I like to workout hard enough in the gym so that I can drink as much damn beer as I want to and I won't get fat.
Motorcycle Stuns Crashes
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G.W. baby!! Hef and the bunnies!
I listen to pretty much anything. I sort of have too because Brady's ass plays some funky ass music in the bar.
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Music Video Codes By Music Jesus.com
Horror movies are gay...I like just about anything else. The best movie ever though is The Program!! Steriods plus alcohol plus football = damn good movie!
CSI and Nip/Tuck BABY!!!
My pops. I figure that if I can accomplish half of what he has and be half the person he is, I will be set.