KaThRyN profile picture


No No No No! DoNt PhUnK w/ My HeArT!

About Me

♥ Like a moth to a flame, burned by the fire... My LOVE is blind, can't you see my DESIRE? ♥
iM nOt OnLy D' BoMb,
iM DaYnAmItE!
ToO bOoTyLiCiOuS fOr yAh BaBeH!

sO iF U dOn'T LiKe iT... DoN'T Be InSeCuRe BabEh... iT sHoWsSs!... hAhAhA!
NahHh... jAz pLaYiN!!! *winkatcha
5'3??? -- long dark brown hair -- chubby -- long legged -- lyt complexion -- kikay -- fashionista -- nice -- snob wen u dont know me -- friendly to known peepz -- smiling face -- quiet -- shy -- loves to dance -- loves FT -- matakaw -- magastos -- fighting temptation -- no vices -- loves to party -- bad shot -- B.I. -- mabilis m-konsesya -- thinks a lot -- generous -- in a give & take relationship, always d giver never a taker -- loner -- autistic -- lazy -- professional bummm -- hates doin household chores but has no choice -- loser -- rebel -- unlucky/malas -- lonely -- hurt -- angel -- good girl but always mistaken for a bad girl -- scary -- pranka -- music lover -- party gurl -- friend -- barkada gurl -- BIDA -- loyal -- thrustworty -- girl scout -- mommie -- has a very small circle of friendz -- beach lover but stil doesnt know how to swim -- talentless -- thinker -- sweet -- innocent -- gurl jaz wanna hav fan -- cheerleader -- used to have a belly ring -- smart? wise? intelligent? used to be.. -- loves accessories -- pet lover especially felinez -- caution freak -- broken ryt now -- athletic wannabe.. want an athletic? ehehe -- confused -- failure -- a dissapointment -- useless -- irresponsible -- pasaway -- hard-headed -- student?? -- ulyanin -- burara -- clumsy -- manana habit -- intimidating -- messed-up -- retarded -- cartoon fanatic-spongebob -- goody-goody -- real -- seductive -- mesmerized -- gym junkie? -- cursed -- mababaw -- tampurorot -- fragile -- internet addict -- likes furfol and fink -- thoughtful -- wanna be pampered -- bitch hater -- hot -- unique -- special -- gifted child -- weird -- odd -- strange -- confusing -- palaban -- righteous -- regretful -- may sense -- crazy -- stressed -- upset -- depressed -- reckless driver -- hit d car for d nth time -- camera girl -- loves pichoors -- has d coolest family-DAY FaMiLy -- has 2 siz & 1 bro -- 2nd 2 d eldest -- liberated -- black sheep -- problem child -- poor -- stunning -- mestiza -- misunderstood -- couch potato -- has her own beliefs -- God fearing -- believes in karma -- follows d golden rule -- simple? not! -- serious -- weak -- twisted -- open -- understanding -- endangered -- lost -- torn -- bored on d phone -- tulala -- daydreamer -- patient -- hates VIP peepz -- loves basketball (jaz watchin em boyz) -- hates mint -- lost for words -- sophisticated -- classy -- stylish -- conscious -- paranoid -- bored -- popular -- vain -- leader? old times -- insomniac? mybe! -- inlove?? err.. duh! -- loveless -- young, sweet & single -- down-ass biatch! yeah! ---
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... unique
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Click here for more pichoors & ME!

My Interests

MuSiC, cLoThEs, AcCeSsOrIeS, fAsHiOn, mInI sKiRtZ, mAkE-uP, sHoEs, pArTiEs, iNuMaN, cHiLLaX, fOoD, McDo, MuDsHaKe, fLoWeRz & cHoCoLaTeS, FuRfOL & FiNk sTuFfZ, mAgZ, aNiMaLz, cAtZ, bEaCh, MaLLiN, sHoPpIn, SaLeS, uKaY-uKaY, iNtErNeT, fRiEndStEr, CeLLpHoNe, sLeEpIn, cHaNeL sUrFin, BiLLiArDz, bAdMiNtOn, voLLeYbaLL, bAsKeTBaLL (jAz wAtChIn eM bOyZ), BoYzZz, KaLbO gUyZ, bOyLeTz, fAsT cArS, BLiNg RiDeZ, FrIeNdZzZz, BIDAZ, MaSs, cRoSsEs, HoLLiDaYz, FUN, LOVE, GOD, FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY...

I'd like to meet:

WeLL, i WaNnA mEeT iNtErEstInG & fRiEnDly pEePz hErRe... nOt ThOsE bOrInG tYpE... u KnOw wHaT I mEaN... *wink wink*=) aNd PeEpZ tHaT WiLL mAkE mE sMiLe... eSpEcIaLLy nOw cOz iM StReSsEd, uPsEt, aNd DePrEsSeD... *sighs* My iNsPiRaTiOn...=|


HiP-HoP & R&B... sEnTi & sLoW SoNgS... aNy aCtUaLLy bUt HiP-HoPz iN mAh bLoOd... "tHeRe aInT nOtHiN LiKe HiP-HoP mUsIc"


SaVe tHe LaSt DaNCe! (tHe BeSt!!!), BaD BoYz II, CrUeL InTeNtIoNs, PeRfEcT LiTtLe AnGeLs, DiStUrBiNg BeHaViOr, All AbOuT D BeNjAmInZ, FaSt & D FuRiOuS, AmPiE tHe tRiLoGy, HoNeY, MaRcI X, LoVe dOnT CoSt a ThInG, BaBy BoY, AmOrEs PeRrOs, Y Tu MaMa TaMbiEn, ThE NoTeBoOk (awww...)


SeX & tHe CiTy, 7tH HeAvEn, GiLmOrE gUrLz, HoOpLa, DiSmIsSeD, RoOm RaIdErZ, TRL, ThE OsBoUrNeS, HeY ArNoLd, As ToLd bY GiNgEr, PrOuD FaMiLy, ThAt'S sO RaVeN, LiZzIe MaGuIrRe, My WiFe & KiDz, SpOnGeBoB SqUaRePaNtS (nYaHa!)


iOnT rEaD mUcH, eXcEpT MaGaZiNeS... BaBe BiBLe... PuRpOsE DrIvEn LiFe... /


Me, MySeLf & I! HaHaHa!

My Blog

iTs My LiFe!

U tHiNk U kNoW bUt U hAvE nO IdEa!
Posted by KaThRyN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


by Kathryn Day (that's me!) (Inspired by the movie: 10 Things I Hate About You) 1. I hate it when you smell so good, coz I just wanna cuddle up to you. 2. I hate it when you do your hair, coz y...
Posted by KaThRyN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bakit ganon??????????

Bakit ako di ko SILA kya tiisin pero ako natitiis nila?? Bakit ako naiisip kong i-surprise cila pra matuwa cla pero ako di nila mbigyan ng surprise or watsoever? Bakit ako gmgawa ng effort pra mapasay...
Posted by KaThRyN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST