almost anything dangerous fat girls and swamp donkeys dont count, but i like things that r fast and can get me in trouble most of the time also hot girls fast or slow how ever im not to picky but i did say hot and if ur a 300pounder just bc the a/c is off doesnt mean ur hot
jessica simpson or just the woman who i am going to marry because she is has to be hot and have alot of patients to handle me
all for the most part but if i am REALLY DRUNK then i may sing she thinks my tractor is sexy drinking does that but now i guess rap and country kinda wierd isnt that
fast a furious the first and second one, a bronx tale, gotti with armand assanti playing as him, rocky1-5, all the good classics even goodfellas
yah i have one well 2 im my truck but i dont think thats what ur asking well tv shows id say racing stuff and mtv stuff like that
my father to some hes just some guy who was a great mechanic to me he was hero...he never turned his back when i needed him and he let me grow up the hard way and learn the value of a dollar