Culture Creature -FON- profile picture

Culture Creature -FON-

1000 words at a time!

About Me

I am a photographer, a minitrucker, a custom car builder, an artist, a painter, and a million things in between. There is not any one thing that stands out more than another ,except my passion for photography. I believe I am on the right track to get somewhere with it. I am not limited to automotive photography, check out my blogs if you want to see my work or click my banner to see my gallery. I work for myself building customs. I guess the best way to put it is that I am "phsycologically unemployable". My family is my backbone and strength. Without them I could never do the things I do. I live for my family and the future that is at hand with their support. My question to you is, IMPOSSIBLE, or IMPLAUSABLE?? ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Felt like it was about time that I sit and rethink some things and update this section of 'me'. I have realized in the recent past that when drivin and motivated a person can do anything they put their mind to. Sure, I am not exactly where I want to be in life, but I am definantly on the right track. The impossible is achievable. The splendors in life are attainable. All you have to do is point your wheel in that direction and push the gas. Unknown factors in life are the little things that make life worth living. I believe this is my time. My time to put a mark on the map, my time to shine. That is my intention. It is truely amazing what a positive outlook can do for a person. I am no one's door step and never will be again. Sure, I have burned my share of bridges, but I am not the only one. I live with no regret of any of the things I have done, but live with understanding and the knowledge gained. I have dug myself out of many holes over the years and have worked my ass off to get to where I am. NO ONE WILL TAKE AWAY WHAT I HAVE SPENT YEARS TO REBUILD. ____________________________________________________________ ________________ Other than that I am just another custom car builder...just trying to piece together a dream, a creation based upon my vision, and built upon the blood, sweat, and tears of myself and those who strive to do the same....Get Your Own! | View SlideshowLet me know where you are coming from, just click the map, it automatically marks...just takes a second " border=0
My World Visitor Map!

My Interests

CLICK TO VIEWFirst and foremost, my family. I am a custom car builder and painter, a photographer, and an artist. My true passion is photogrpahy. My life revolves around home and the custom automotive scene. I am associate editor for Built2Rail Magazine and love the chance at an opportunity. I am President of FREAKS of NATURE Inland Empire custom car club. Freaks is family. Even in my worst times there was a Freak ready to pick me up. They know who they are. I have my tribals on my back and they aren't coming off!!

I'd like to meet:

I have found my one and only. I have all that I ever wanted. I am an honest person and expect nothing less from the people I associate with. I am looking for true people to call friends. People who will sacrafice themselves to see me go on as I would do the same for them. Photographers in all genres...and the man who invented the sawzall


Music is a staple in my life, one thing in my life that I can completely loose myself in and find serenity. I listen to a large variety of music genres. Primarily Punk, PshycoBilly, Classic Country (R.I.P. Johnny), Mainstream Rock, Big Band Swing, 30's-40's Jazz, Rockabilly, and a a bit of the heavy stuff....My list can stretch for miles...give me a good stereo over a TV anyday...EVERY SONG ON HERE HAS MEANING... just listen...


A large variety here as well. Again, I would rather have music, but a good mvie from time to time is good. I enjoy war movies, especially WWII and Vietnam movies. I believe war movies show the truth behind the human spirit and the will to continue on. I also enjoy a good comedy and dramas. I also find enjoyment in Documentaries such as Dust to Glory.


Just your typical FOX linup. Malcom in the Middle, Til Death, The Simpsons. Automotive programs on TLC and Discovery as well as Fast Inc. on MTV and a few others.


Being a car nut I read alot of magazines. Sport Truck, Minitruckin, Off-Road, Sand Addiction, and more.


My Parents...for raising me with the power to overcome obsticals and adversity and for giving me the power to know how to be true. My Fiance' for being strong and not giving up through all of her struggles and set backs in life...she truly is an amazing woman!! Last but not least, my sister. She has really become something. She will do great things. Just make sure I am there with my camera when you do sis.

My Blog


I have recently found myself at the ground levels of a great opportunity.  As most of you know I was shooting for  Although I enjoyed shooting for them, I found myself conti...
Posted by Culture Creature on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:46:00 PST

Stoddard 250 Offroad Race (pics)

Had a great time.  Got out there early and watched the first few off the line.  We then drove out farther and got some great jump shots.   Tell me what you think. *WARNING*  may ta...
Posted by Culture Creature on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:06:00 PST


GOOD TIMES AND GOOD FRIENDS!!  Thanks to Diverse Imagez for hosting this party.  We had a great time.  Got pulled over to start the night, got drunk, and ended the night laughing our as...
Posted by Culture Creature on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:40:00 PST

Teresa (pics)

Had a chance to shoot Teresa over the weekend. A great girl, beautiful and fun to work with. She has a great look and her eyes and exspressions make her unique. Spent some time with her and another ph...
Posted by Culture Creature on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

Esperanza Fire (pics)

Went to Cabazon Last week during the rage of the Esperanza Fire and spent some time ready to move a friend out at a moments notice...the fire came within 100 feet or so of the was hot, the ...
Posted by Culture Creature on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:47:00 PST

Last nights trip through the Mountians

My fiance and I drove to Cabazon to get some stuff for a customer's car.  On the way back from Cabazon, we decided to take the scenic route...maybe stop and take a few pics along the way...We got...
Posted by Culture Creature on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 08:49:00 PST

Pics of Yesterday's Race

The Rhino's were racing hard...two moto's...six laps each moto...a great time...good air and SIDE X SIDE racing...Let me know what you think...Had a great time out there...Freezing cold...but all in a...
Posted by Culture Creature on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:54:00 PST

A few Pics from the recent storm

Take a look...tell me what you think...Stay tuned for more pictures as time goes on....Leave some comments......
Posted by Culture Creature on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 11:27:00 PST is a lifestyle

Let me sit back and recollect the last few years...I am a minitrucker...always have been, always will be.  The scene has been both the best thing to ever happen to me along with being the worst.&...
Posted by Culture Creature on Sun, 21 May 2006 12:36:00 PST


This last weekend was one of the best in a long damn time...rolled out with my club (ok, just one member) and went to check out the GO-EZ show....The show was awesome...lots of clean rides...a few tha...
Posted by Culture Creature on Mon, 01 May 2006 12:51:00 PST