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Get Your Own! | View Slideshow my bestfriend...for life!!!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowR A N D O M T H I N G S A B O U T M E . . .@@ i'm working 2 jobs right now, a telemarketer in anequipment financing company and an enrollment representativeat atv safety institute@@ i'm happily taken by this cutie named patrick claudio whohappens to be my trainer and co-worker so yeah i see himeveryday and i'm pretty sure we're getting tired of each other butwe're just not saying anything about it! jk :)@@ i love having dinner and watching a movie on friday nightsbut my true love is goin to bars and clubs (when i'm not superbroke) and meetin up with my loving and supportive friends andof course getting drunk with them@@ i love theme parks, i have an annual pass for universalstudios and funny how i also got patrick to get one for himself!oh, wait, i got it for him so he had no choice have it! lol!:)@@ i love yoshinoya, wingnuts, red ribbon, spaghetti and chickenjoy from jollibee, sarsi, rootbeer, anything with shrimp, shopping,make up, purses, shoes, jewelry, diamonds, crema de fruta fromgoldilocks@@ i love new york, i cried when i finally saw the statue ofliberty, i love saks 5th ave and saw puff daddy (or whatevername he's using at this very moment) at LV@@ i intentionally lost my sister in a supermarket back in thephilippines when i was only 7 and she was 5, damn i hated thatbitch but hey, i sooo love her now! lol! :)@@ i have a very good relationship with God and with my family,oh i love them so! my mom is the coolest!@@ my two brothers are still in the philippines but they shouldbe here anytime soon so i'm really excited!@@ i can't live without::: my lemon cigarettes or camel turkishsilver, cellphone, my hair brush, mac c-4, mac lipstick, nyceyeliner, maybelline liquid eyeliner, lip balm, feminine wipes,taking a shower at least 2 times a day, water, strawberrycheesecake yogurt, tv dinners, microwave ovens@@ i'm very friendly and very easy to get along with, i talk a lot and you know what, i don't care! some people might think i'm a bitch, well i am sometimes but i'm really nice most of the time@@ i fall fast and when i do, i fall hard!@@ and lastly... I'M THE MOST STUPID PERSON ONE WOULD EVER MEET WHEN IT COMES TO DIRECTIONS!