Brandon Popson© profile picture

Brandon Popson©

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a comedian. I go around to bars and make it easier for them to sell beer. I do normal clubs once in a while. I used to help out a bunch of douchebags, but I got better. I basically get on stage, intro comics, and listen to those same comics question my sexuality and skill. I can't get a girlfriend to save my friggin life. But I still press on.
I just recently joined the Dope Show, and am very, very excited to be able to work a political view into a whole show. Life. Is. Good.
I'm a masochist, apparently.
My comedy is smarter than most other comics around here. Not that they are dumb in the least. But if you don't know history and politics, I'm gonna lose ya.
I like almost everyone, but respect just a few. Being a human entitles assholes to live, not to come near me. I'm a libertarian, I hate all politicians. Period. Anybody who thinks "This one is different" has their head up their ass, they are all crooks and thieves.
I don't really care if you think I am a good person. All I care about is getting on stage, saying what I want, and having a few stiff drinks afterwords. I am fiercely loyal to those I call my friends, and if you mess with them, I will do everything in my power to make sure that you regret it. Note: no pr0n stars on my myspace. I don't like them fake b(o)(o)bies.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

White guilty liberal americans. People who think laughter is bad. The uptight. The religious right. Those that can't take a joke. Nazi's. Communists. Satanists. Hecklers. Blacks. Asians. Republicans. Democrats. Geeks. Jocks. Atheists. Drug abusers. Drug haters. Dead people. Living people.

I'll insult them all.

And that special girl that I know is hiding somewhere out there in this big world, waiting for me.

I'll be nice to you.

My Blog

God’s not dead, He’s just really tired

So, as per I continually examine and re-examine life, I have come to a conclusion: God doesn't do anything for us. This doesn't mean I am renouncing my faith, it's just that I have changed my beliefs ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 18:20:00 GMT

Philosophy: Breaking the Habit

So, a few of my friends put a good question forth recently. "Brandon", they asked, "why do you use such strong language when you debate?". They admit I have good points, so they feel the language isn&...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 17:54:00 GMT

The Tao of Why

So, a lot has come up as of late in the vein of drama both in and out of the office (not that I am ever out of the office a whole lot). So, let me just set the record straight: I. HATE. DRAMA.Why? Cau...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:17:00 GMT

Progress is fun and profitable!

What can I say? I sit here behind a desk, hiring people. Four and a half months of sweat and toil all paying off.I AM PROMOTED!
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:32:00 GMT

Rant: Religion

I've attacked the left, right, and atheists, so let's plug right along, shall we?Look, I'm Christian. I'm the most cynical Christian of Christianity you'll ever meet. Because I don't necessarily ...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:58:00 GMT

What of who causes what?

Rant time.What is the most abused resource in the world? If you said "oil", you're wrong. It's nice guys. People like me. It has become all too obvious as of late of why there are so few of us. So, wh...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 00:20:00 GMT

Simpsons movie

Okay, now I am REALLY confused. Half the sites say this week, the other one week from now. So, I am really, really trying to figure this out. According to IMDB, it's going to be the 27th. We'll go wit...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:42:00 GMT

ESRB: Enter the pissed off nerd

I hate Jack Thompson. That dickshit has been messing around in politics for too long.Okay, update time. E3 has come and gone, in all of its glory. So, what's the gripe? I don't own Manhunt 2 yet. I ma...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 16:17:00 GMT

Truth: Philosphy

So, in my studies, I decided to take it from the beginning. For those of you who don't know me too well, I've been studying how to tell the difference between "Good" and "Evil". This all sprang from s...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 00:22:00 GMT

My parents toast.

We are gathered here today to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary of Drew and Diane Popson. My parents, incidentally. In 30 years, much has changed. Music, art, fashion, my dad's head went from "af...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 00:31:00 GMT