Travel, Culture, Language, Books, Mountains, and the winter time
People who generally don't suck. Although that is few and far between these days but who's counting (or judging for that matter). No type as a type and attraction is attraction no matter where you find it.
Runs my life and influences my decisions. Artists are too numerous to name. Love to educate and be educated on music.
Avid movie go-er
Tel-Lies-vision? Half-truths and propoganda. In short only educational shit peaks my interest. "Did you know that you have less brainwave activity when your watching your t.v then when your sleeping?"
Can't get enough of them. Authors to numerous to name. Wish I had more time to sit and read than work
GOD,Father, Mother, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, and definately not police!