jUdE dEriCk profile picture

jUdE dEriCk

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

sEri0uSlY--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------OnCe iT gets inTo mY heAd thAt i wAnt s0me0ne, i m0ve full SteAm aheAd in mY sUit. i d0 n0t giVe uP mY qUeSt eaSiLy. i Am nUrtUring and cAring. If s0me0ne hAs A pr0blEm, it tuRnS mE 0n. i am a hiGhLy paSsi0naTe, l0yAl, aNd iNtEnsE in my inv0lvEmEnt's, sometimes p0ssessive And jEal0us. im vEry vEry shaRp & taLeNted ofTen wiTh seNsE of hUm0ur. WhEn peOplE bOther to loOk deep inSide thEy caNnOt reSisT what thEy sEe. im stimUlAtEd bY tHe ecCentric aNd unuSuAl, haViNg a frEe aNd Open aTtiTude. i get jealOus of Other peOple aNd lOse mY temPer .----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------I AM bLeSsEd wiTh a gReAt deAl 0f physicAl enErgy. WhEn i usEd it for a g0od cAusE thErE is n0thing cn st0p meh, excEpt mAybE thAt they arEn't alwAys used f0r thE go0d. (i could dAnce All night.) i resp0nd to thE thrill of thE chAsE and thE chAllEngE 0f the mAting gAme. i cAn carry 0n greAt r0mancEs in my heAd. At hEart i Am a roAmEr And nEed to sEt 0ut 0n my 0wn evEry so 0ftEn. i can carry 0n l0ng- distAncE rElAti0nships with eAsE. im ideAlistic And nEed to believe in love. i havE a neEd to bE nurturEd dEep witHiN. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------h0nEstLy...iM....UuUuuuMMmmmm..... aHaH....CuTE,CuTe,CutE, dEn iM CutE,CutE,CutE,CuTe...HahAhAha...SiMpLe,SwEEt,FrIeNdLy n DoWn To Earth!(nAuGhTy,NaUgHtY,NauGhtY..gGRrrRrRR...)...c",)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ VERNS BUCKLEY mA nUmBer OnE CrUsH (mA GuDnEss..SheS d GoDDesT 4 MeH..SheS dEfInItElY PeRFeCt..WheeEEWWW...HeHE..)... dEn JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE mA oNe N OnLy IcOn N FoReigN IdOL..(dAmN.. D wAy He Gro0vEs, ItS UnIqUe! Ayt?...) nD JAY-R Ma LoCaL IdoL..(I wIsH wE do HaVe sAme VoCaLs.."NiCE VoIcE AYt?..)HahAhaHa..HihIhi.. dEn aLL 0f Yu hU WaNNa mEeT mE 2...(Be NiCe,CooL, N Go0d As MEh..)........ [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

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