What exactly about me would u like to know,* I'll leave this question to some one that wants to be my frien
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Friends, school and making money{with a real job}..
Pretty much ALL movies guess it just depends on the mood I'm in I'll watch any movie that scares me half to death as much as I may deny it at first and I'll occassionally watcha movie to make me cry. And I like comedies to and maybe a documentary or two so I pretty much like to watch movies {and I'll even be a kid every so often just as any person and watch a kiddie movie}
I LOVE Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicle And The Chronicle of the Mayfair Witches some people can't believe that I'm into fiction books like that but I Love to read! NEW BOOKS I'M READING: NOVELS OF THE BLACKDAGGER BROTHERHOOD!