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Check out Adore', my favorite dancer...
Om Om
IFIf you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream--and not make dreams your master, If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son! --Rudyard Kipling
Brian Lucas (Musician, Writer, Producer, Promoter) AKA Chef BeLive (Gourmet Raw LIVING Vegan Cuisine Specialist)
Sanskrit nama? means "bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration". te is the dative of the personal pronoun tvam, "you". A literal translation of nama? te is thus "reverential salutation to you".
It is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with the hands pressed together, palms touching, in front of the chest.
In a religious context this word can be taken to mean any of these:
* The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you
* I greet that place where you and I are one.
* I salute the divine in you
* I salute the Light of God in you.
* I bring together my body and soul, focusing my divine potential, and bow to the same potential within you.
* I bow to the divine in you.
* I recognize that within each of us is a place where Divinity dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One.
In other words, it recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to the sacredness and interconnection of all, as well as to the source of that interconnection.
Namaskar is the term for such greetings, but is not used as a greeting itself.
Namaste can also mean "Here we are" from the Greek "?a ?µaste".
"Namaste" is sometimes used in the context of practicing Yoga as a greeting or goodbye, generally taken as an expression of good will. Namaste is sometimes misinterpreted as a greeting associated with Yoga only, but it is much more widely used than that in South Asia, particularly in greeting elders. Moreover, it is used throughout Asia, especially in the context of Buddhism or Buddhist cultures, even though it is known by different names in some languages.
Namaste is a Hindi word, and hence has widespread use in North India where Hindi and its dialects are the languages spoken. Gassho is the term used in Japanese contexts for the hand-gesture, and for the wider bowing, as a whole. In Thailand, the gesture is known as wai (pronounced "why" with a rising tone).
Read about Miyamoto Musashi , the most incredible samurai of all times in my opinion..
Written about my love of raw food, music and film .. Check it out..
Brian Lucas aka Chef BeLive Light, has been creating gourmet live cuisine for 10 years. He originally was "turned on" to live cuisine in 1996 by his children's mother, Lee Whitney McKinney, who had been into raw foods since 1986. They co-owned Organica: The Living Cuisine with in San Francisco 1999-2000 after buying the restaurant from Juliano Brotman, the author of Raw: The Uncook Book. Brian learned the basics from Whitney, Juliano and also Jeremy Saffron, who at the time co-owned The Raw Experience in Maui with Renee Underkoffler. Jeremy co-wrote The Raw Truth: The Art of Loving Foods with Renee and he wrote The Raw Truth: The Art of Preparing Living Foods and The Raw Foods Resource Guide. After learning the basics, Brian grew intuitively in an instantaneous fashion.
There is a brief story about Brian's life prior to owning the restaurant in the Spin Article called Gastronauts, Feb.1999. Organica was in numerous local newspapers, one being The Sacramento Bee. It was even in Vogue, March of 1999 page 310.
Brian Lucas aka Chef BeLive (formerly Chef Basil Lotus) specializes in Intuitive Live Vegan Cuisine and he has always, and will always guarantee to give you an orgasm of the mind, body, soul and especially the taste buds from taking you down his unbelievable intuitive highway.
He is currently doing private chef work, demonstrations, and lessons. He has had a wide range of celebrity, politician, athletes and other clientele.
Brian has created over 1000 recipes and is currently working on a book called Orgasm of the Taste Buds, there is a teaser version available with 30 recipes. He also has a recipe published in super model Carol Alt's book The Raw 50 and his recipe is one of his deceased mothers old recipes that he converted raw. He will be doing series of recipe books converting many of his mothers cooked vegetarian recipes she used to make for him into raw ones as a tribute to his mother who died of cancer, one of the reasons he was attracted to raw living life style.
Look out! Because Brian is riding in on the forefront of a gigantic conscious tsunami to sweep everyone off their feet. If you're interested in getting Brian's teaser version of his book Orgasm of the Taste Buds, either go to for a bound copy or email him at [email protected] and request an eBook version, which he's doing by donation based on what you feel it's worth.
Check out for events, recipes, services and more.
I'm a high energy person, utilizing it to work productively on projects I love and party consciously! It's awesome because they coincide together often. I am a naturalist and was given an exceptional gift and taste for raw living vegan cuisine in 1998. I sing, play saxophone and the guitar and love music with all of my heart. I practice Quantum Touch and have also channeled a hands on and off healing modality of energy/body work that was downloaded by the Divine Energy Source/God. I am driven by health, wellness, love, light and the arts. I am a song/screenwriter, musician, writer and producer. I have a bunch of erotic art tattoos derived from many different time periods, countries and cultures, I love them. For exercise I enjoy doing Power Yoga, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Surfing, tennis and racketball. More aspects of my life I LIVE FOR are my practices of meditation, kundalini yoga and tantric yoga. I am a reverend of my own faith which is the "COME TOGETHER ALL AS ONE THROUGH LOVE". If I was asked what religion or denomination that I was a part of, I would start by saying that there is good and bad everywhere.. In every family, community, government, religion, tribe, etc. I have met good loving-heart felt individuals in almost every walk that I've personally found, even Republicans and Witches. I am a light bearer of all Dimensions and Universes from God and I am here with a cosmic diplomatic immunity to be one of the beings to change in a positive manner and I have NO FEAR in doing so. I'm very in touch with a lot of my past lives and couldn't have come to any of these realizations and awareness without them. I have cut all cords, ties and connections to any of them at this point to truly live in the NOW moving forward. I wear as much organic cotton and environment friendly fashionable clothes as possible. There ARE fashionable conscious clothes. I am a very serious music/film lover as you might already assume. The most precious beings in my life are two of the most amazing, energetic, wonderful, hilarious and open minded children that I could possibly ask for and Adore'. I love them all so much and luckily they love me equally as well. I am very thankful for them and have learned so much from them. I have manifested the woman of my dreams and we are in perfect alignment with where we are going. I am blessed to have connected with her. I co-created a cleanse with my friend Howard that is a raw version of the Master Cleanser called The Light Cleanse, you can find it on my website and in my new book Orgasm of the Taste Buds. I am always up for meeting new people that are of high integrity, loving, sweet or more simply put "REAL"! I shed many blessings upon you and send much love from my heart to yours for your soul's well being! PLEASE practice creating good Karma for yourself by doing unto others they way you would expect to be treated and by having compassion for all brothers and sisters!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I absolutely dig meeting people, most of the individuals I meet everyday are good people. I dig people and personally believe that MOST individuals deep inside have a caring and compassionate nature, of course it is always counter balanced by beings that I even wonder why they are here! (The way society has bred humans I don't ever really wonder why, we need to change for the better of humankind!) I think that honestly we need to cultivate compassion through each of us as human beings, if not I don't know how much longer we will be here on this planet. And in my opinion the traumatic issues are caused by us and we are not waiting for a powerful being to come out of the sky to purify us, we have to figure it out ourselves as humans not as nationalities. Environmentally, socially from each home to every worldwide relation. There is in my opinion or theory no one way that a person, community, city, state, country, continent, group, race, company, or corporation can ever truly succeed at healing the planet and actually surviving our fate and destruction without really being TOGETHER as a whole planet. I believe we have to do it together, seriously! That's why I love interacting with people, and I experience peoples true nature a lot. I work daily on remembering that everyone has something to teach me, and I can share what I have mutually to inspire others and in turn be inspired myself. Ayumpari- The sacred exchange of special gifts we all have, even if hidden deep inside. I definitely have extremely amazing interactions every day, and if you just recognize those little things then I believe you will see what I am talking about. I constantly and always eventually get to meet my idols, and mentors. Every time, I have been ultimately thankful for these encounters! Meeting someone is a reflection of ones self and each of us is in one another, whether we can see it or not. The Universe all together, the earth, God, every human, life force, star, planet, dimension, is ALL one as I see it. I have already met a bunch of my mentors some of them have actually became friends of mine.(Believe me they are all in one way or another like you and I). I'm definitely blessed and count my blessings and thank God and the Mother everyday! I will meet the people I am supposed to meet, when I meet them. My favorite thing is to go with the flow of life........and see where it takes me. "Stay True See Through!!!" There's good and bad everywhere and believe me looks are deceiving. "THE FLOW" I just enjoy life and live as a good individual and I believe that will help us with living together, one by one...... I believe the reason why you and I are here on myspace and why you're reading this far is to meet each other, so open yourself up and reach out to inspire me and quite frankly everyone you meet. Thank you so much for reading this true heart felt "rambling on writing" which is touching a little bit on my PERSONAL theories about God and the universe. Go meet someone "REAL" today away from this computer and have compassion and love in your heart for them. Just be true to yourself, and believe me it's better to work on changing the planet one person and one step at a time in a positive direction at the least. Help save us so humans can possibly exist here for as long as possible. WE NEED TO DO IT TOGETHER OR WE ARE DOOMED!

My Blog


Hi Everyone!It's Adore' here with an update. B asked me to tell all of you the he's doing great and on "page 105 of the book on transformation" that he's writing! He's keeping very busy with yoga, med...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 23:45:00 GMT


When I sit by myself and contemplate about being alone, and I even begin to start thinking about loneliness. I just take a DEEP breath and visualize an absolutely phenomenal GODDESS who embodies an...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 14:25:00 GMT

Check out this video: Crazy Bush

Posted By:The Doo WopsGet this video and more at
Posted by on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 19:47:00 GMT

Channeled through Bob Weir, through BeLive to Vince Welnick

I thought you might dig this! Below this message are the lyrics to "Victim or the Crime" and "Way to go Home" Bobby played this at the Health and Harmony show last night,  I wish I had been there...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 09:11:00 GMT

Check out this event: Art In The Buff: Venice Beach, ON SALE NOW!

Hosted By: Brian LucasWhen: Monday Dec 31, 2007 at 12:00 PMWhere: EverywhereHollywood, CA 91601USDescription:Brian Lucas Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Thu, 18 May 2006 17:34:00 GMT

My sex sign according to these

Your Sex Sign is Taurus! You ooze sensuality! You're down for anything, as long as it celebrates the natural body. You're a master at giving head - and as long as it feels good, you'll do it. Even...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Feb 2005 20:47:00 GMT