It is with heavy heart that I write this message. I would like to first start with offering my condolences to those families and friends that lost loved ones in the tragic shootings on the campus of Virginia Tech this past Monday. I cannot begin to imagine the horror and shock of losing a loved one in such a manner. My prayers go out to the community of Blacksburg.
For the rest of us that were not directly affected by the tragedy, I hope that we do indeed understand the gravity of this horrific event. In fact, I hope that we understand that we as a country are indeed affected. Whether it be the boroughs of New York or the sunny coast of Los Angeles, we as a country have reason to mourn. For on this past Monday, not only did we lose the lives of innocent Americans, we lost our humanity. I fear that many of us will dismiss this shooting as a case in which a disturbed young man “snapped†and in an emotional state went about his violent rampage. Now while this may be a fitting description – and if this young man was captured before he took his own life, I would be the first to demand swift and stern justice – let us not neglect our moral obligation to turn judgment’s eye upon ourselves. Would we not hold responsible the gardener who allowed a weed to go undisturbed to the point that it destroyed the budding roses? As I age in mind and soul, it has become abundantly clear that America has bred a culture of violence. We’ve become increasingly callous and cynical. I’m afraid that we have lost sight of the big picture. And not until we learn to extinguish the plurality that divides us, will we begin to gain sight of the ultimate goal of peace among men. Is the sense of loss and grievance reserved for only the families and friends of those that were murdered, or perhaps family, friends, and family friends and friends of friends? It is only when we develop the sensitivity to truly and sincerely empathize with the pain and suffering that our fellow citizens endure, no matter the distance in time or space, can we earnestly claim to be “One nation under God.†Imagine the level of concern that each of us would feel if this was one of our neighboring colleges. Well… I believe “neighboring†is simply a matter of perspective. When one views the landscape from the peaks of the Himalayas all villages are connected.
To this end, I hope that the massacre that took place in Virginia at the very least caused each one of us to stop and reflect and take stock in our contribution to this collective consciousness. I wonder how many of us watched the highlights on the evening news and then eagerly prepared for the next episode of 24, not giving this tragedy a second thought? Let us take responsibility and start carefully tending to our garden. Whether it is being patient with a new waitress on the job, a polite honk instead of the slamming of the horn and waving of the middle finger, or perhaps choosing not to cheer for fights during hockey games, every day presents us with opportunities to make a difference. I must admit at times it is quite difficult to take advantage of these opportunities; too many times the moments are fleeting, like the pigeon that zips past our windshields while we sit in traffic, but we must be committed to doing our best to bring about the winds of change. As the mighty Ox plows through mulch and mud, we must tread this path with steadfast determination. As Mahatma Gandhi pleaded, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.†As for myself, after this recent tragedy, coupled with the violence that persists in the Middle East, I have seen enough and yearn for a change of scenery.
To those now grieving lost ones in Blacksburg, I am sorry. Sorry for the suffering that you are experiencing and sorry for not tending better care of our garden.
Robert Meraz
CEO, Basement Records and concerned citizen of the United States of America
PUTS performing Tuxedo Rap on Fuel TV!
October 11, 2005 -- Utilizing a keen ear for quality music, Hip-Hop label Basement Records has moved to the forefront of the west coast independent music scene. Signing acts that are often overlooked by the majors, Basement Records is committed to bringing new hip-hop to light.
We want to support indie acts who dont necessarily fit into the major label structure but who are extremely talented, explains the label president and founder, Robert Roc Meraz. We arent looking for name recognition or artists who follow trends, he continues, we want charismatic, skilled MCs who are in it for the long haul. Todays current Basement roster includes the Crown City Rockers, People Under The Stairs, LA Symphony, Penuckle, Abstract Rude, Pigeon John, and Blood of Abraham--to name a few.
Roc has been a long time member of LAs hip-hop scene. After graduating in 1998 from UC Berkeley, the hip-hop junkie opened a small record shop in Sherman Oaks, CA. This store, now famous for lively, late night in-stores, grew into one of LAs most respected record stores and soon became a mainstay in LAs hip-hop landscape.
In 2000 Roc started the distribution branch of Basement in an effort to provide local artists with adequate exposure to retail. Today, three years later, Basement distributes to over 150 stores in the US, Canada, France and Germany. In addition, Basement Records brings local hip-hop acts directly to the public by hosting two hugely popular shows each year, The Basement Anniversary Show and The Basement Barn Yard Boogie, with headliners such as the Living Legends, J-Live, Atmosphere, and Aesop Rock.
Having secured nation-wide chain store distribution through Sony Red, Basement Records has put out over 20 albums from the likes of, the A-Team (Aceyalone & Abstract Rude), LA Symphony, Pigeon John, Crown City Rockers, Blood of Abraham, and Johnny Five, among others.
The future is bright for this new Hip-Hop powerhouse. With multiple big projects on the horizon, like the new album from the People Under The Stairs entitled, "The Stepfather" due out in April of 2006, Hip Hop fans out there who don't know...better ask somebody!
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