swimming, dancing, singing, going to meetings, texting, hangin with my besties, chillin with the rents, watching chick flicks, and more
The person i want to meet is my Father JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!! He is my everything!!!!!!!!!
I'm a gangster and i like all kinds of music but raps my fav!!!
comedy, romantic, some scary, and alot more
everything and Law and Order:SVU
Alcoholics Anonumous, 12 and 12, and crank, glass, lemony snicket, and some more!!!
my mom Deann cause she has been through so much and still keeps her head held high no matter what life throws at her and she is the reason i never give up!! my sister Liz cause she is my romodel and what i want my life to be like as an adult in the real world!!! my sponsor brandi cause she has helped me through so much and is always there for me when i need someone to help me, and cause she has helped change my life from hell to something that i thought at once was never possible!!! and all the people in A.A. My romodels!!! I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YALL!!!!