Aircraft Mechanic and occasional Performance Artist/Musician and of course a lot of other stuff. I live and work in Memphis TN, commute Los Angeles CA regularly, and frequently end up in all sorts of places all over the world. As an aircraft mechanic, I specialize in all the electronic/electrical work on 5 different types of heavy aircraft. As far as art goes, I specialize in sound and custom electronic instruments (Synths and Guitars) and also help out with the design and construction of heavy duty machinery for robotic performance art from time to time. Music-wise, I love raw and loud rock and roll, noisy experimental music, and jazz. So, I travel a lot, do a lot of really weird stuff, sooner or later I'll end up in your part of the world.
Personality-wise.....I am down-to-earth, industrious, honest, and unconventional, with a pretty dark sense of humor. I live my life at full throttle and and really enjoy the absurd.
Words of Wisdom and Concepts to Ponder:
"The Science of Brute Force"
"Built To Self Destruct"
"The Middle Finger of Global Reach"
"Blood is the price and scars are the proof of a good time."
"Soothing Sounds of the Savage Beast"
"It's a big world and there's a lot of places to hide the bodies."
"Partially Robotic and Totally Erotic."
"There is no lie so big and so good, it can't be covered up with an bigger and better lie."
"Just because you're dishonest doesn't necessarily mean you don't have integrity."
"If it wasn't for hatred and Jack Daniels, I'd have noting to live for."
"It's always darkest before it gets pitch black."
"Not every problem is a nail. Not every solution is a hammer."
"Three can keep a secret if two are dead."
"My life has now become a Twisted Sister video...."
"Mutiny: The only thing between you and your next promotion is your boss."
My website is and is designed to be a simple and categorized network of hyperlinks which direct you to pretty much everything cool and useful on the internet. Such as: Robotic Art, Music, Electronic Reference, Soap, Renewable Energy, Jet Engines, U.S. Government, Barbecue, and Physical Fitness. So, check it out and message me back right here.
Also, I have an internet radio station at: