~*Lacey*~ profile picture


img src=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e69/Vadodgedude/fjordg allop.gif

About Me

Welcome to my page! Let me start off by saying I'm real easy to get along with but If you dont believe in God, Family or Country... you can leave cuz we won't get along. I'm independent, open minded, yet down to earth. I'm your average American girl next door. I love sports (Go Steelers!! World Champions!! YEAH BABY!!!) I love to dance, cook and I enjoy music of all kinds. I'm into anything outdoors camping, fishing, sports, 4X4, hiking, gardening and horseback riding, ridin on the back of a Harley or just sittin out under the stars. I love to laugh and enjoy life. I'm a very proud mom and I enjoy being active in my kid's school and sporting activities. (football, baseball, basketball) I also coach girls softball and find it very rewarding. My team won the championship this year! (Go Lady Tigers!) I love to dance and sing and can have a good time in just about any environment. I love to laugh and try to make others laugh; laughter is good medicine. I'm having lots of fun here at MySpace and have some of the best friends around.
YeeeeHawwwww! Y'all Cowboy Up!The Texas flag is called the Lone Star Flag. This flag was designed by Dr. Charles B. Stewart. It was adopted as the state flag on January 25, 1839. The blue stands for loyalty. The white stands for strength, purity, and liberty. The red stands for bravery and courage.
He can whisper my name without saying a word
Limp to his strut. His eyes are a link to his aged soul... And of course the oh-so-fine
I've never seen a bad looking butt in a pair of Wranglers!
Sometimes I make eight, Sometimes I hit dirt, But go ahead an pin another number to the back of my shirt,
It's rodeo time in TEXAS..... RCcolacowboy

My Interests

If you want to know about my interests..... You'll have to ask me later... the game's on. LoL I have lots of interests. I do love sports! I love music and dancing. Once upon a time I was pretty darn good too. One day I woke up and I was old... I still dont know what happened. About a year ago I began learning Paint Shop Pro and it's addicting. I like movies but usually wait until they come out on DVD. I love going to the lake and camping out in a tent with a big ol campfire. Theres nothing quite like the feeling you get sitting infront of a campfire at 3:00 in the morning when it seems like everyone in the world is asleep and its so quiet you just listen to the crackling of the wood burning in front of you. That and looking up and being able to see the millions and millions of stars in the sky. Football is another passion. Nothing better than those Friday night lights; sitting on the visitors side cheering on the home team. Or the feeling of coaching softball team of 12 young ladies and getting that first win (ok every win). Those are some of the things I live for. Life is good.

I'd like to meet:

"I am a woman of dignity and honor and I have everything I need within me now! I accept my role proudly, I love and am loved."
"People fall in love. They fall right back out.
It happens all the time."

...Hope Floats

Texas from Space


Music is my passion. When it comes to music my taste is quite eclectic. I enjoy everything from musicals to hard rock. My favorite genre tends to be country. I'm a big fan or Garth Brooks, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Martina McBride, etc. I love classic rock but I did see Metallica in concert last year. I don't listen to much of the metal head rock tho. I can tolerate rap to a point. I love classical guitar and piano. In my truck you will find cd's with George Jones, Eminem, Carrie Underwood, Kenny Chesney as well as various artists. If I lost my hearing I dont know that I would want to be around. I can't imagine a world without music.


I own a nice collection of Dvd's. Some of the things you will find in my movie choices are; Tombstone,Young Guns I&II, Open Range, Wyatte Earp (I love the Cowboy movies!! Ohh.. Titanic, Bad Boys I&II, Big Daddy, The Green Mile, Friday night Lights, and AirForce One, and the list goes on and on. I really like Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock and others. I dont like scary movies and I wont watch them. lol I prefer action, drama, comedy and the old classics. My favorite musical is West Side Story YoooHoo... I'll make ya famous!
If I could go back to any time in history without a doubt I would go back to the Old West. I'm fascinated by the stories legends and of course the Cowboys. I love their look, the way they dressed.. everything about 'em.


I'm a reality junkie. I love the reality shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Trading Spouses, American Idol. I dont watch the Trump saga or the Amazing Race. I like the documentart and crim shows on A&E and Discovery. I can't live without CNN and FOXNEWS especially if something big is happening in the world. I have no life so if I'm not on the computer or at some game I'm watching TV. BUT I can't sit in front of the tv for hours and hours. However, I can sit and watch old classics all night long and I love the old black and white tv shows of yester-year... Times back then were so much simpler than they are today....


My biggest Hero would be my Dad. I was blessed to be a "Daddy's Girl" He was a Veteran of the Korean war. He drove a tank. He tought me everything I know about being a decent human being. He passed away January of 2004. He was the sweetest, kindest, most gentle, big hearted man I've ever known. He was my best friend in the world and his passing has left a hole in my life that can never be filled. I miss him so very much. Sometimes I get to missing him and the pain is still so very raw. I'd give anything for one more hug or to touch his hand or see him smile. His favorite thing to say to me when I'd walk through the door was "Come on in and tell me what ya know.... it won't take you long". I'd love to hear that again.... I Love and Miss you Daddy. Rest in Peace... I'll catch up with ya later!

img src="http://www.lonestar.simshost.com/images/hope/hope_realc owboy_painting2sm.jpg"

My Blog

Flags for the Milarary Dead...

  Yesterday my daughter and myself volunteered to help place flags on the graves of our Veterans. It was a touching experience. My hands are sore today from pushing the flags down into the grou...
Posted by Lacey on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:33:00 PST

Faith Hill's New Song : "Lost"

"Lost" (Kara DioGuardi/Mitchell Scherr)Is it obvious to youWhen you walk into a roomYour face is all I seeAnd my heart races so fastI never knew a rush to feel like thatEvery time you're touching meI...
Posted by Lacey on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:29:00 PST

Opening Ceremonies....

  We had opening ceremonies last night.... We weren't even on a field.. there was no PA system... just some chairs set up and an area where the teams lined up and a small crowd. I'm not sure wha...
Posted by Lacey on Tue, 15 May 2007 11:06:00 PST

But I love my shell....

  Cancer (June 21 - Jul 22) Your inner voice might be telling you to run and hide but you keep doing things that draw attention to you. This is a familiar dilemma, for you aren't typically one ...
Posted by Lacey on Tue, 15 May 2007 10:36:00 PST

Remembering Mom

I Miss You Mom I miss the warmth of your gentle hug and the love I felt when my arms were wrapped around you. I miss seeing your beautiful smile and the sound of your voice saying my name. I miss ...
Posted by Lacey on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:18:00 PST

Someone just shoot me....

  This has been one of the most trying weeks I can remember having in a long time. It seems like there has been one thing after another to deal with. I was so mad today I thought I was gonna pop ...
Posted by Lacey on Sat, 12 May 2007 01:25:00 PST

A Note and an Apology

  Hey Y'all... just stoppin in to say hello and apologize for not being around more. I've been busier than a one legged man at a butt kickin contest... Softball season is underway and I'm coachin...
Posted by Lacey on Sat, 05 May 2007 05:57:00 PST

RIP Keven....

  Rest In Peace Keven.... I'll think of you often... and be thankful that I knew you even if it was just for a little while... I wouldnt have missed it for the world...... Ride gently into that ...
Posted by Lacey on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 01:53:00 PST


    FALL By: Clay Walker Oh look there you go again Puttin on that smile againEven tho I know you've had a bad dayDoing this and doin thatAlways putting yourself lastWhole lot of give and ...
Posted by Lacey on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:58:00 PST

I have a cold.... sniff sniff

  So I wake up yesterday morning with a scratchy throat.. I think maybe its cuz I slept without the heat on and it'll go away. Well it didnt. I have a really bad cold. I've felt really bad all w...
Posted by Lacey on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:12:00 PST