theWobbleTree profile picture


the wobble tree

About Me


Welcome to my page. Hope you enjoy the music I have put together. This is my solo project called TheWobbletree. It is my little project where I am experimenting with rock, acoustic, eletronic, and pop music. I've recorded one so far and a new one is on the way. Right now I'm mostly working with my band called The Bronze Age, so check that out! Anyways hope ya enjoy my songs.for more information please drop a line at: shane

My Interests


Member Since: 12/13/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: shane steinke (singer/song writer)
Influences: radiohead. jonny cash. modest mouse. pink floyd. spoon. death cab for cutie. folk. blues. rock. acoustic.
Sounds Like: death cab for cutie. radiohead. black rebel motorcycle club.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

THe Music continues.

hey everyone! just wanted to update you on my music and life.Right now im working hard at school, and its taking up most of my time. but thats all done at the end of april! so onece school's out im fr...
Posted by theWobbleTree on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:46:00 PST