my entire lifetime have i met anyone who loves to make me mad more than you do. you drive me crazy!! my heads gonna blow up one day and its gonna be all your fault. i thought you were the biggest asshole for the longest time (: and you still think im the biggest brat. i don't really know how to put into words what you mean to me and how you'll never meet anyone that loves you like i do. you pretty much broke me down out of this stubborn little girl who hated love and everything about into a girl who is so freakin in love with you it's retarded. a girl who had to go through alot of drama just to be with you (karmaaaa!!) a girl who watched you get into a bus full of guys knowing that she wasn't gonna see you for 6 months.but knowing in her heart that you were the only one she wanted.a girl who waited by the mailbox EVERY SINGLE DAY until you got home. a girl who's very VERY protective of you cause she know's you're the best thing thats ever happened to her and nothing and no one is gonna get in the way of that. i love you because you're not the perfect boyfriend. half of the time, you make me SO mad. you piss me off! but you make me face my shit and you've never given up on me, when you had so many chances to. i've never had anyone care for me that much to take the time to help me. you're the rock to my star.thank you for everything baaaabyy. i love you forever. don't forget that. <33 *katybabyyy*--->i ball hardd (: tuhhdayyy