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The Bizarre Blue Spectre

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It is believed that when the body dies, that is all that dies. The body is just an outer shell for the energy inside. In the first law of thermodynamics (also known as the law of conservation) it is defined that energy can neither be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. All living things contain energy. So, what happens when an organism dies? The body can die.. sure. But what about the energy? It is believed that the energy is released into the environment. There are also reports and studies of, when people die, a mist (ecto?) leaving the body.. usually through the forehead. It is also believed that this energy still retains the organisms traits and personality. So nothing really changes, except that the organism no longer is contained in the body. It is free. The human eye may not be able to see this energy, but film (photo, video), audio recordings, and other types of media can usually pick up this energy. The common misconception is that ghosts always appear as full manifestations, this is also fueled by Hollywood. Rarely have total manifestations been photographed by Paranormal Researchers. Spirit energy is generally categorized as orbs, ecto/mist, vortices and apparitions. Below is info on what you may find in the field of paranormal research. Electronic Voice Phenomena is a process whereby the voice or voices of the dead are embedded onto magnetic recording tape by a process that we do not understand. . .


Defined as "spirits", each year this surprisingly common phobia causes countless people needless distress.To add insult to an already distressing condition, most pneumatiphobia therapies take months or years and sometimes even require the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear. We believe that not only is this totally unnecessary, it will often make the condition worse. And it is particularly cruel as pneumatiphobia can be eliminated with the right methods and just 24 hours of commitment by the phobic individual.Known by a number of names - Pneumatiphobia and Fear of Spirits being the most common - the problem often significantly impacts the quality of life. It can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved ones and business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread, although everyone experiences pneumatiphobia in their own way and may have different symptoms. Our treatment involves no drugs.Though a variety of potent drugs are often prescribed for pneumatiphobia, side effects and/or withdrawal symptoms can be severe. Moreover, drugs do not "cure" pneumatiphobia or any other phobia. At best they temporarily suppress the symptoms through chemical interaction.The good news is that the modern, fast, drug-free processes of The CTRN Phobia Clinic will train your mind to feel completely different about spirits, eliminating the fear so it never haunts you again.


There is ample evidence that evil manifests on earth, acting through humans, animals and nature itself. From swine trapped in the body of a demented man (cast out by Jesus) to heartless, senseless murder and twisted tortures all over the globe, Satan shows his face. And it's not just the gross deviations that constitute evil.A growing number of people say they are experiencing demonic possession in subtle ways that manifest as various physical, mental and emotional symptoms and conditions. For them, phrases such as, "The devil made me do it," "He's wrestling with his demons," or, "What possessed you to do that?" are more than mere adages. These people are sure they are being influenced by demons and, after trying conventional means....


Necromancy (Latin necromantia, Greek nekromantía) is a form of divination in which the practitioner seeks to raise the spirits of the dead in order to gain knowledge of future events from them, or to acquire special powers from such entities. The word derives from the Greek nekrós "dead" and manteía "divination". It has a subsidiary meaning reflected in an alternative and archaic form of the word, nigromancy, (a folk etymology using Latin niger, "black") in which the magical force of "dark powers" is gained from or by acting upon corpses. A practitioner of necromancy is a necromancer. Necromancy may or may not have a relation to shamanism, which calls upon spirits such as the ghosts of ancestors.The historian Strabo (Strabo, xvi. 2, 39, ) refers to necromancy as the principal form of divination amongst the people of Persia; and it is believed to also have been widespread amongst the peoples of Chaldea (particularly amongst the Sabians or star-worshippers), Etruria and Babylonia. The Babylonian necromancers themselves were called Manzazuu or Sha'etemmu and the spirits they raised were called Etemmu.In the Odyssey (XI, Nekyia), Odysseus makes a voyage to Hades, the Underworld, and raises the spirits of the dead using spells which he had learnt from Circe (Ruickbie, 2004:24). His intention was to invoke the shade of Tiresias, but he was unable to summon it without the assistance of others.There are also many references to necromancy in the Bible. The Book of Deuteronomy (XVIII 912) explicitly warns the Israelites against the Canaanite practice of divination from the dead. This warning was not always heeded: King Saul asked the Witch of Endor to invoke the shade of Samuel, for example.Norse mythology also contains examples of necromancy (Ruickbie, 2004:48), such as the scene in the Völuspá in which Odin summons a seeress from the dead to tell him of the future. In Grogaldr, the first part of Svipdagsmál, the hero Svipdag summons his dead Völva mother, Groa, to cast spells for him.The 17th century Rosicrucian Robert Fludd describes Goetic necromancy as consisting of "diabolical commerce with unclean spirits, in rites of criminal curiosity, in illicit songs and invocations and in the evocation of the souls of the dead".Modern séances, channeling and Spiritualism verge on necromancy when the invoked spirits are asked to reveal future events.Necromancy may also be dressed up as sciomancy, a branch of theurgic magic.Necromancy is extensively practised in voodoo.


Electronic Voice Phenomenon or, more widely known as E.V.P., what is it? E.V.P. is simply the ability to record voices of the dead on audiotape. This phenomenon has been around since the 1920s and had the interest of the well known scientist Thomas Edison * October 1920 issue of 'Scientific American'* who believed that the use of recording devices or other such apparatus, could very well be the communication link between this world and the other.EVP is a way to communicate with spirits. Researchers believe that the voices of the dead can be recorded and played back on magnetic audio tape. It is the most modern way to communicate with the spirit world. Some skeptics believe that they are not voices of the dead but radio or CB transmissions. EVP phenomenon was predicted by those reputed fathers of radio, Marconi and Thomas Edison who believed it was only a matter of time before such magnificent technology would enable us to communicate directly with the dead. Indeed, Edison even went so far as to suggest that the spirit world would perhaps be the first to initiate the communication by using radio to make contact with the living. He also worked on developing a "psychic telephone" that he hoped would create a means to converse with the discarnate, alas, without success.


Hypnosis is a process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized. Being hypnotized is usually characterized by (a) intense concentration, (b) extreme relaxation, and (c) high suggestibility.The versatility of hypnosis is unparalleled. Hypnosis occurs under dramatically different social settings: the showroom, the clinic, the classroom, and the police station. Showroom hypnotists usually work bars and clubs. Their subjects are usually people whose idea of a good time is to join dozens or hundreds of others in a place where alcohol is the main social bonding agent. The subjects of clinical hypnotists are usually people with problems who have heard that hypnotherapy works for relieving pain or overcoming an addiction or a fear, etc. Others use hypnosis to recover repressed memories of sexual abuse or of past lives. Some psychologists and hypnotherapists use hypnosis to discover truths hidden from ordinary consciousness by tapping into the unconscious mind where these truths allegedly reside. Finally, some hypnotic subjects are people who have been victims or witnesses of a crime. The police encourage them to undergo hypnosis to help them remember details from their experiences.


Cryptomnesia, or "concealed recollection," is a very common phenomenon. It is often the means of recalling to mind certain experiences that one otherwise would not remember. "Carl Jung".As explained expertly by Carl Jung, in Man and His Symbols, "An author may be writing steadily to a preconceived plan, working out an argument or developing the line of a story, when he suddenly runs off at a tangent. Perhaps a fresh idea has occurred to him, or a different image, or a whole new sub-plot. If you ask him what prompted the digression, he will not be able to tell you. He may not even have noticed the change, though he has now produced material that is entirely fresh and apparently unknown to him before. Yet it can sometimes be shown convincingly that what he has written bears a striking similarity to the work of another author--a work that he believes he has never seen."Jung goes on to list more specific examples. Friedrich Nietzsche's book Thus Spoke Zarathustra includes an almost word for word account of an incident also included in a book published about 1835, half a century before Nietzsche wrote. This is neither considered to be purposeful plagiarism nor pure coincidence. Nietzsche's sister confirmed that he had indeed read the original account when he was 11-years-old.Not all examples were of the same nature. For example, cryptomnesia is likely the result of some memories becoming forcibly unconscious ones due to lack of room in the conscious. Therefore it does not always take the shape of plagiarism, as it would in writing, as well as musical compositions, and other art forms, but can also be the basis of philosophy."The ability to reach a rich vein of such material [of the unconscious] and to translate it effectively into philosophy, literature, music or scientific discovery is one of the hallmarks of what is commonly called genius." ---Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols.


Déjà vu is French for "already seen." Déjà vu is an uncanny feeling or illusion of having already seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time. If we assume that the experience is actually of a remembered event, then déjà vu probably occurs because an original experience was neither fully attended to nor elaborately encoded in memory. If so, then it would seem most likely that the present situation triggers the recollection of a fragment from one's past. The experience may seem uncanny if the memory is so fragmented that no strong connections can be made between the fragment and other memories.Thus, the feeling that one has been there before is often due to the fact that one has been there before. One has simply forgotten most of the original experience because one was not paying close attention the first time. The original experience may even have occurred only seconds or minutes earlier.On the other hand, the déjà vu experience may be due to having seen pictures or heard vivid stories many years earlier. The experience may be part of the dim recollections of childhood.However, it is possible that the déjà vu feeling is triggered by a neurochemical action in the brain that is not connected to any actual experience in the past. One feels strange and identifies the feeling with a memory, even though the experience is completely new.The term was applied by Emile Boirac (1851-1917), who had strong interests in psychic phenomena. Boirac's term directs our attention to the past. However, a little reflection reveals that what is unique about déjà vu is not something from the past but something in the present, namely, the strange feeling one has. We often have experiences the novelty of which is unclear. In such cases we may have been led to ask such questions as, "Have I read this book before?" "Is this an episode of Inspector Morse I've seen before?" "This place looks familiar; have I been here before?" Yet, these experiences are not accompanied by an uncanny feeling. We may feel a bit confused, but the feeling associated with the déjà vu experience is not one of confusion; it is one of strangeness. There is nothing strange about not remembering whether you've read a book before, especially if you are fifty years old and have read thousands of books over your lifetime. In the déjà vu experience, however, we feel strange because we don't think we should feel familiar with the present perception. That sense of inappropriateness is not present when one is simply unclear whether one has read a book or seen a film before.Thus, it is possible that the attempt to explain the déjà vu experience in terms of lost memory, past lives, clairvoyance, and so on may be completely misguided. We should be talking about the déjà vu feeling. That feeling may be caused by a brain state, by neurochemical factors during perception that have nothing to do with memory. It is worth noting that the déjà vu feeling is common among psychiatric patients. The déjà vu feeling also frequently precedes temporal lobe epilepsy attacks. When Wilder Penfield did his famous experiment in 1955 in which he electrically stimulated the temporal lobes, he found about 8% of his subjects experienced "memories." He assumed he elicited actual memories. They could well have been hallucinations and the first examples of artificially stimulated déjà vu.


Coimetrophobia is an abnormal fear associated with cemeteries. To add insult to an already distressing condition, most coimetrophobia therapies take months or years and sometimes even require the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear. We believe that not only is this totally unnecessary, it will often make the condition worse. And it is particularly cruel as coimetrophobia can be eliminated with the right methods and just 24 hours of commitment by the phobic individual.Known by a number of names Coimetrophobia and Fear of Cemeteries being the most common, the problem often significantly impacts the quality of life. It can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved ones and business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread, although everyone experiences coimetrophobia in their own way and may have different symptoms.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/13/2005
Band Website: laestadea.com
Band Members: Oskar "Terramortis"
Influences: Trankimazin Retard 3 MG - Rotten Spiritus Aparitions Under A Deep Deliria And Anxiety Disorders / Written Very Fucked Up And In A Very Deep Sleep Deprived State / Caos / Paranoid / Lucio Fulci / Prozac / Aleister Crowley / Donnie Darko Deliria / War / Ocultism / Transcomunication And Parapsicology...
Sounds Like: The Noise Of The Stenchy Pheromones From An Ectoplasmic Rotten Soul
Record Label: Supported by www.haternal.com
Type of Label: None

My Blog


The Bizarre Blue Spectre (TBBS) was born in 2002, created by Oskar Turcios Terramortis. The original idea was to create something totally dark and twisted. The Bizarre Blue Spectre was formed with ...
Posted by T.B.B.S TRRMRTS on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:04:00 PST