About Me
We must Kiss quite a few frogs before we find our Prince!
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Well..here goes something about me: I'm currently going through a divorce. I left my husband of 10 yrs a few months ago. I left with only the clothes on my back. I knew it was going to be hard, but I wasn't prepared for what was in store. Being a single mother of twin girls is the hardest thing ever! So for those single parents out there..I'd love to get tips on how to make things alittle easier. If that's even possible? :0) I'm a HUGE FAN OF THE DALLAS COWBOYS, DALLAS MAVERICKS, TEXAS RANGERS, DALLAS STARS!! Recently got into watching Ultimate Fighting. I'm silly, dorky, VERY sentimental, honest, dramatic, open minded, and at times sarcastic. I love my family, friends, 80's music, playing dress up and acting out different characters with my twins, rainy days, winter, romantic movies, sad stories, softball, making jokes, lip gloss, making friends, keeping my house clean, smiling, helping others, mornings, reading, barbeque seeds, making others feel loved, sundays, My new apartment, watching my girls play softball, milk, attention, being surprised, doing my girls hair, shoes, jewlery, payday, parties, and reading the Quick every morning. lol
Here is alittle something about my parents and where I come from...very proud of it to.
On Monday April 10, 2006 I was flipping through the channels on my television when I ran across a broadcast of the Immigrant March on Washington. I couldnt believe what I saw. Thousands of people who all looked like they were related to me were holding up signs, chanting, yelling, cheering and mobilizing! Never in my life did I think that this could happen in this country. These people no longer looked scared and they looked so proud!Of course I had heard of the bills in Congress that attempted to deal with the illegal immigrant problem in the United States and the marches being planned to demonstrate. While I was a bit ashamed for failing to have taken part in this historic event I still felt so proud and excited that I had goose bumps all over my body. I was almost moved to tears by it when a friend of mine came into the room to see what I was watching so loudly blaring in Spanish on my television.He said the solution to the problem was to ship them all home. I found that to be a cruel comment but instead of getting angry I told him about how my parents first came to the United States over 50 years ago.My mother was orphaned by the age 7 when her father died. Her mother had died when she was about 3 years old. She was sent to live with relatives in Ciudad Jurez which is on the border with El Paso, Texas, but this family was so poor that she was not given shoes even in the winter because they had so many children of their own. She was forced to beg for money on the international bridges linking the two cities and gather firewood for the stove as another part of her payment to them for caring for her. She told me of how badly her feet would hurt from the cold and how she would find old clothes and rags to wrap around her feet to keep some of the cold out.Not being a stupid person she came to realize that she needed to run away and find her own way to survive. Somehow, she managed to swim across the US/Mexico border with nothing but the clothes on her back at around age 11. She found that once across, the gringos were not all the cold cruel people she had thought they would be. She was given shelter by a white family and was paid less than a dollar a week to iron, clean and cook for them. She went home to Mexico periodically but always came back here to work and save her money so she could buy herself shoes.She eventually returned to stay in Mexico and reclaim her place in her family and met and fell in love with my father by age 18. My father had also been orphaned at an early age and he would cross illegally to hop on trains that ran all across the country looking for work in construction or anything else that paid him. He worked alongside the gringo making pennies to their dollars never once complaining or demanding anything but what they thought he should be given. He told us stories of going to restaurants and not being allowed inside because signs on the doors read: No dogs, No Niggers, No Spics. He would tell me of how he had to sit outside until some kind white person would take pity on him and go inside to place his order and bring it out to him. Even this, he said, was more tolerable than facing starvation, the cold or gang life back in Mexico.After my parents were married my father discovered that his mother was an American Citizen born to British parents and because of this, could claim a US citizenship as well. Due to this lucky break, my 5 siblings and I were raised in a low income neighborhood in the United States afforded a home, an education and an incredibly different future to that from which they came from.Ship them all home? My mother would most definitely have died from the cold or starved to death because she was at the bottom of the totem pole in her adoptive family. My father would most likely have become a drug runner and been shot and killed way before he couldve met her had she managed to live to adulthood.Im grateful to them that they were not afraid to work hard, not ashamed to shine shoes, clean dirty toilets, to be looked down upon, spit on or called names. Because of them I live a life where I will never know the pain of ice cold streets on my feet or the pangs of hunger in my stomach. Because of them I am a productive member of our community and because of the kindness of others, all of my siblings and I will live a full and happy life.Send them home? We are home every single one of us.
I'm looking forward to re-election 2008!
True Dallas Cowboy Fans
Things I hate: Redskins, Giants, Packers, Spurs, stupid people, people who complain and don't vote, being sad, my girls not falling asleep at 9p.m., my honesty, being sentimental, Lizzie's imitation of me, Erika always being late, being far from my parents and siblings.