nodnarb the invincible profile picture

nodnarb the invincible

wanna have a mental sleep-over?????

About Me

I like to draw pretty much anything that pops in my head,Hacky Sack(not to good at it,but at least I i like mostly music is bout the only thing that dont "float my boat." i get along with almost everyone but hey theres just some people that are so anti-social u just cant help the weak minded,but people wil be themsevles and i cant change that unless im god...*thinks am I god,that would be sweet*...but yea,if u wanna know more just ask and if i wanna tell you then i'll tell ya,if not then deal with it...jk
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My Interests

if u really wanted to know just me if u r clever....

I'd like to meet:

the people in my head all i ever hear is their voices they they never send me any pics people of on yahoo so if u feel like taking a gander in my general direction look me up(TheFunEman83)
How evil are you?
Your Love Element Is Earth
In love, you have consistency and integrity.
For you, love is all about staying grounded and centered.

You attract others with your zest for life and experiences.
Your flirting style is defined by setting the scene, creating a unique moment in time.

Steady progress and stability are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may take things too slowly, but you never put your heart at risk.

You connect best with: Fire

Avoid: Wood

You and another Earth element: need each other too much to build a good foundation What Element Is Your Love?
Buried at


Get MySpace Graphicsslipknot gmarles barkley ICP metalica aero smith HIM guns and roses weird AL papa roach sublime korn frank zappa ludacris AC/DC pink floyd matchbox20...pretty much anything but country

crying babies waiting to be born,fighting lovers;hearts scarred and torn.In the distance the devil laughs,his mistresses taking a lava bath.Flying dragons alone in flight,the devil-hounds bark isn't worse then its bite.Woodland faires gathering food,peoples blood as vampires food.demons running to collect more soulsfor the ending battles.....Life expiring very fast,I just dont know how long i will last....people dieing all around,painful screams,painfull sounds.flesh eating zombies walk the earth,another teen giving birth,lost souls wandering the earth forever.


pretty much anything dealing with humor...strange brew,south park,drop dead fred,happy gilmore,blues brothers,freaks,edward scissorhands,nightmare bfore X-mas,james and the giant peach.........and list goes on



CARTOONS thundercats rule...i like mainly Anime and crap like that hopefully u might see a cartoon i created someday?...(day dreaming)....oh supposed to be typing what kinda TV crap i like...but seriously who the hell even reads these intrest anyways?


WHAT????...u mean people actually read these things called books??...i thought they where used to level off a pool table(Pisgaights unite!!!!!!!!)...but yea anyway i dont read em much,i draw in them more then read
Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: brandon AKA Zener
Are you named after anyone?: all the brandons before
What's your screename?: thefuneman83
Would you name a child of yours after you?: no
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: i think my mom said it woulda been jasemine?
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: jake
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: nope
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: im famous cuz of my last
Your gender:: male
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight as an arrow
Single?: yes
If not, do you want to be?: its not to bad...but i hate it
Birthdate:: may 8th
Your age:: 22
Age you act:: 11
Age you wish you were:: 23
Your height:: 5 5
Eye color:: blue
Happy with it?: not really
Hair color:: shit brown
Happy with it?: i can always change it...cant I?
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: ambidextrous
Your living arrangement:: room mate
Your family:: what bout them?
Have any pets?: 1 snake 1 fish 2 dogs 1 cat...first 2 r mine
Whats your job?: resturant
Piercings?: lebre
Tattoos?: dragon on my back
Obsessions?: pleasing people
Addictions?: cigs and alchohol
Do you speak another language?: pig latin,little french and some german
Have a favorite quote?: sweet creams and wet dreams for
Do you have a webpage?: only on myspace
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: always
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: to a point yes
Do you have any secrets?: get to know me and see for yourself
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
Do you like your handwriting?: hell
Do you have any bad habits?: a few
What is the compliment you get from most people?: good personality
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: hydro thermal process ninjaneer zener?
What's your biggest fear?: not being loved
Can you sing?: somewhat
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: if it makes u laugh
Are you a loner?: thats a Q for my friends
What are your ..1 priorities in life?: get a name for myself
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: i think i make a good friend
Are you a daredevil?: sometimes
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: i hate being shy
Are you passive or agressive?: depends on the day
Do you have a journal?: nope
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: personality/being shy
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: mow i act towards getting relationships
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: most of the time
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: some of the choices i have made
Do you think life has been good so far?: in the past no now is not so good either
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: foregive and forget
What do you like the most about your body?: my eyes
And least?: my height
Do you think you are good looking?: u be the judge of that
Are you confident?: sometimes
What is the fictional character you are most like?: spiderman mixed with goofy
Are you perceived wrongly?: sometimes
Do You...
Smoke?: yes
Do drugs?: no they do me
Read the newspaper?: only the comics
Pray?: no
Go to church?: no
Talk to strangers who IM you?: depends how they inniciate the conversation
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yea...only the 1 my last gf gave me
Take walks in the rain?: i love that
Talk to people even though you hate them?: no
Drive?: yep
Like to drive fast?: hell yea
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: just a tad
Hurt yourself?: plenty
Been out of the country?: nope
Eaten something that made other people sick?: in high school all the time
Been in love?: once
Done drugs?: do prescrition drugs count?
Gone skinny dipping?: nobody ever wants to go with me
Had a medical emergency?: 6 times
Had surgery?: 6 times
Ran away from home?: a few times
Played strip poker?: 3 or 4


Z Zonked
E Energetic
N Nice
E Easy
R Radical
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