"THE ONE!" 2008 DVD TRAILER - March 15th
You can Order your copy for
$29.95 (plus $4.95 shipping and handling)
by clicking on the link below.
All pre-orders will be sent by March 11th, 2008.
People who inspire others in a positive way
A little bit of everything
Looks like somebody took a bootleg video recording of our Adult routine at the 2006 World Championship Finals. Press pause on the video above and hit play on the video below. In case you're wondering why the crowd starts getting loud towards the end is because after Michael Jackson's, "Off The Wall" song, all the dancers pull down blindfolds and do the last part of the routine blindfolded...yes, I said BLINDFOLDED! When the clearer edited version comes out on DVD, we will post that up, but for right now...ENJOY :)
Matrix, Bladerunner, CRASH (One of the best movies I've seen in a LONG time. I recommend it if you haven't seen it already), Bridges Over Madison County, Breakin', Sixth Element, Blazing Saddles, You Got Served (only for the dancing, not for the story line!), Goofy Comedies and undoubtedly, the timeless classic dance movies. These, believe it or not, were my inspiration behind dancing and performing! Check out some clips below.
And this clip below is probably my most favorite section from any dance movie ever. Turbo sweeping to Tour De France. Yes, it was my inspiration to use the song for my own mini production piece I set on the ConnXion Family (see "Freaks Come Out At Night" in my 'Heroes' section)
Bears Football
My Hip Hop ConnXion Family dancers. I am my own inspiration but they inspire me to push harder. Here are some video's to show you why.