Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by
Contact Sports, cookies, Boggle, Hula Dancing, Wheat Thins, Leather-bound books, The trojan war, lamps, baseball cards, oragami, body building, chanell surfing, oriental rugs, arcade machines, cheeseburgers, spelunking , martinis, landscape arcitechure, future weapons, pipe cleaner sculptures and the first cut into a fresh piece of contstruction paper.
Theres a million people i want to meet...but most of all I want to meet the guy on the cream of wheat box...and Dan Marino.
Movies, Movies, Movies...I've seen so many movies that I don't even know how many favorites I have.
Friday Night Lights, A clockwork orange, Fast Food Nation, Catch 22,
Dudley Dawson is my role model. So is Ferrell.