Ms.Cox profile picture


Grown and Sexy

About Me

Cool Stuff at
I am very down to earth, out-going, and fun to be around. I like to cook, draw, read and write and I also love doing volunteer work (March of Dimes and Festival of Trees). I go to the State University of West Georgia and I major in Marketing. Alot of things have changed for me, I now find pleasure in doing more recreational activities that do not involve going to the club or being in the limelight. Hate me or love me, Im not changing for anybody but myself. I am now looking out for MY best interests and I am not worried about what anybody else has to say about it. I am living my life the way I want to and I am making some positive changes so that I can prepare myself for what the future holds...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
What is your name?: Felicia
Do you have any nicknames?: Lee Lee,Fee Fee, Lisha, Licia, Lisa
When is your birthdate?: Decemver 15th
What's your birthplace?: H-Town
What's your current location?: Wack Carrollton
What's your hair color?: Dark Brown
What's your eye color?: Dark Brown
Do you have any piercings?: Ears..dont really do piercings
Do you have any tatoos?: Yeah, Three
What's your ethnicity?: A few things mixed in the pot
What's your heritage?: Not Quite Sure
Do you have any siblings?: Yeah, 4 sisters 1 brother (not from the same parents)
Do you have any pets?: They come and go
What school do you go to?: University of West Georgia
Food?: Mac and Cheese and fruit!
Candy?: Jolly Ranchard or somehing chewy and fruity
Icecream?: Coffee
Drink?: Lemonade Vitamin Water
Color?: Green
Number?: 3
Season?: Spring
Football Team?: Carolina Panthers!!!
School Subject?: English
Parent?: Daddy's Girl
Store?: Grocery Store
Clothing Brand?: BeBe
Sport?: Track to participate in and football to watch
Male Celebrity?: Edward Norton and Denzel Washington
Female Celebrity?: Halle Barry
Holiday?: Christmas and Thanksgiving
Book?: B-More Careful and the Bible
TV Show?: Law and Order:SVU
Movie?: too many
Childhood Toy?: Baby Feel So Real and my barbies

Kisses or Hugs?: Both
Laugh or Cry?: Laugh
City or Country?: City
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Coke or Pepsi?: NEITHER...HATE SODA!
Up North or Down South?: DOWN SOOUUUTTTH
Beach or Pool?: Pool
Hot or Cold?: Cold
Sunny or Rainy?: Depends on my mood
Shake Ya Tailfeather or Shake Your Laffy Taffy?: Laffy Taffy
Polka Dots or Stripes?: Striped
Baskin Robbins or Dairy Queen?: Baskin Robins..duh
Twist or Shout?: Twist
Family or Friends?: Family!
Boys or Girls?: depends what this is referring to
McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds fries, Burger King Whopper
Chocolate Milk or White Milk?: neither im lactose intolerant
Love or Money?: Love
Fantasy or Reality?: Reality
Abercrombie or Hollister?: Hollister
Hamburgers or Hotdogs?: Hotdogs!! Beef only
Ketchup or Mustard?: On what? I like both with certain things
Day or Night?: Night
Rap or Country?: Rap
Prep or Emo?: ????
Sweet or Tart?: Both
Blonde or Brunette?: im african american
Cats or Dogs?: both
Indoors or Outdoors?: indoors

Have you ever been in love?: YES!!!
With whom?: Brandon Jamison
What is true love?: me and him
Does love at first site exist?: yes
Do you have a bf or gf?: yes
What is your sexual orientation?: straiight
Is there such a thing as fairytales?: no
Have you ever been cheated on?: yes
Have you ever cheated?: nope
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?: YES!!! OMG YES!!!
Do you have a crush?: yes
On who?: my man
Ever been kissed?: yes
Are you a virgin?: Naw
How far have you gone?: lol...what kind of question is much further can I go if im not a virgin?
Ever hooked up with someone of the same sex?: hell no!
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Do you want to have kids?: Yes
How do you feel about "friends with benefits"?: I guess if you are single its ok and as long as you only have one friend with benfits..friends with benfits is also known as hoing!
Would you ever consider having an open relationship with someone?: hell no i dont share
:::In a Boy / Girl:::

Hair Color?: dark
Eye Color?: dont matter
Height?: 6'0 or taller but some shorties are accetpable personality gotta make up big time
Most Important Personality Trait?: REALNESS
Looks or Personality?: Personality
?Random Questions?
Do you think you're attractive?: I am told that
Do you do drugs?: HELL NO
Smoke?: NO
Drink?: NO
Are you friends with people who do?: YES
If you could meet any athlete, who would it be?: Dont need to meet one because I got one at home
Do you like coffee?: no
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Im already grown but I have big plans for my future
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: two maybe more depending on what I eat
Have you ever had braces?: nope, didnt need any...but i always wanted some
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Both
Does God exist?: Please Believe It!
What is your religion?: Christian
What is your clothing style?: Grown and Sexy
Do you believe in life on other planets?: Yes
Do you wish on stars?: sometimes
Are you pro-life?: Pro-Choice, let people live their lives they want to its nobody elses decision what you want to do with your body or your future
Do you support the death penalty?: No
Do you support gay marriage?: I dont care
How do you want to die?: In my sleep...painless
Do you have any regrets?: Yes
Does karma come back and get you?: Hell yeah!! watch out yall!
Have you ever been sent to jail?: Once...
Have you ever lied?: Yes
Are you honest?: Yes
When is your bedtime?: Whenever I get off the phone with my baby
Have you ever cheated on homework?: Yes, guilty as charged
How late do you sleep until?: Until my baby calls in the morning around 6:30 a.m
Are you vegetarian?: I used to be
Do you have a job?: Not anymore, I quit November 15th
Are you rich?: I'm comfortable
Who is the funniest comedian?: Kat Williams!!!
Is your hair naturally curly or straight?: Curly
Do you go to tanning beds?: Hell no Im black!!!
What is your natural hair color?: Dark brown
Do you die your hair?: I have in the past but not anymore
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes
What is your most prized possesion?: my life
What thing do you have an obsession for?: expressing felings
How many shoes do you own?: man too many to count im a chick!!
Are you usually a happy person?: i try to be
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My Interests

Cooking, Drawing, reading, writing, Volunteering, running and I love kids and animals.

I'd like to meet:

I am NOT using MySpace.Com as a dating service!!! So please do NOT come at me with no questions like .... Can I Get Your Number?...When Are We Gonna Meet Up?... OR When Am I Gonna Be Able To See You?...because its NOT going to happen!! There are too many crazy people out here with deceiving pictures. But on the other note I am more than willing to make friends (on-line.... never off-line) who respect me enough to not ask any of the questions above....or anything like it.


R&B, Neo-Soul, Oldies


Woman Thou Art Loosed, All Tyler Perry Films/Plays, The Fifth Element, Color Purple, Beloved, The Notebook, and The Persuit of Happiness


I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


BIBLE, Coldest Winter Ever, Color Purple, B-More Careful
