Scally in fancy dress profile picture

Scally in fancy dress

Im glad you can count

About Me

Hey children hows it hangin? :)
I love
+ Antony my gorgeous ginger trooper
+ My mummy gerbils Floof, Totoro and their 6 baby tobys :)yay
+ My daddy Gerbils Barbara and Rubert, they are fat and round :D
+ My goi goi (comfee blanket)
+ weird am i?
+ All me mates I have...and even ones i've lost touch with they r boss
+ Smoking cos im hard :D
+ Getting very very drunk n not remembering things
+ Kirsty :D
+ Being a psycho
+ The beatles..well George n Ringo lol how boss r they :D
+ Dancy crazy funkeh music
+ Any type of film....ever
+ Puttin of death or of doom at the end of things eg, look at that dog of thats a stick of death :)
I hate
+ Not having a job...and now having one
+ Things going wrong
+ People staring at me
+ !!!RANDOM!! people...cos ur just not.
+ That thing that happens when people just snarl you and dont even know who you are
+ Indie music
+ People who are afraid to be themselves
+ People who are cruel to animals
+ Twat hats
+ two faced people...and liars..go to hell just tell the truth
+ Crying...what a shed load of fun that is
+ The pub near our college it sucks the life out of seriously...what a soul raping experience :D Pimp My Profile
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My Interests

ME SEXXY PEOPLE OF DEATH :D (Kirsty)- She is my fanny of doom and i loff her we get drunk and laugh at feathers, there are also kirsty toys you can get them at a store near you :) i also made her room smell like an ashtray which made a dead good impression on her mother wooo ( 7YEARS OF SWEETCORN BABY!!!):D

(antneeeeeeee)- Me fanny of a boyfriend, yes u are gay but i love you and ya fat ginger head cos u make me laugh...he makes me laugh people..he also likes sliding down stairs in bread crates which ultimatley lead him to having a sore very cute :)
(Liam)- wow...beasty boy love him lots we are the scaberous duo and his laugh is the funniest thing in the world. we sit next to each other in his eyes...he is my dick lol he also copies off me :P
(Cora)-the big sis...makes ace sausage butties.. we are THE gossip queens/bitches any news on the go and we already know it she and her husband barrow throw ace parties in which i be sick at :D

(Kev)- dont see this hunni much but he tries to look after me anyway...u dont need to be like that lol!!! kev says an array of funny things which usually involve him being lazy *i cant be bothered being lazy*-classic !! love him though boss mate x
(Nattie)- dont see her anymore :( but shes me boohbah n we used to get drunk n be handcuffed to liam :S was boss being 14 :D
(jon)- greeny la boss :) one person who has the most evil stare ever in the world of death and makes us play alphabet games wen stoned lmao
(Cole)- Funniest guy on the planet EVER omg enough to cheer you up anyday...this one laughs at windows...weird mates la :) fuckin kool though

I'd like to meet:

wit woo noel fielding is bossjerry hormone what a legend


MURDERDOLLS, !!PENDULUM!!,A perfect circle,My Chemical Romance,Coal Chamber,Bright Eyes,Daft Punk,!!APHEX TWIN!!,sexpistols,weezer,!!PRODIGY!!,nerf herder,THE RAMONES,blink,JOJ,Nikki and the corvettes,No Doubt,NHOI,offspring,The apers,Pink Floyd,Blondie,SOAD,Nirvana,kidney thieves,Rob Zombie,Manson,HELLOGOODBYE,hawthawne heights,macc lads,The Pixies,BJORK :), The King himself Elvis! Incubus,David Bowie,Green Day or any music thats good to get fooked to n bop aboottool

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28 Days later, Pirates of the caribbean 1,2&3,Ginger snaps 1,2&3,13 ghosts,The Ring,Oldboy,Tale of two sisters,29th step,Labyrinth,Gozu,Edward Scissor Hands,Bully,Kids,White chicks,Dont be a menace to south central while drinkin your juice in the hood,Nightmare on elm street,The grudge, A clockwork orange, Existenz,From hell,IT,Stand by me, All the chucky films,Gladiator,Troy,Fight Club,True Romance,Shallow grave,Terminator 2,American history X,Pet semetary 1&2,Gummo,Spiderman,Saw 1,2&3,Back to the future 1,2&3,Ichi the killer,Fear and loathing in las vagas,Interview with a vampire,Lost boys,Human traffic,Spirited Away, Grave of the fire flies, Kiki's delivery service,My friendly neighbour Totoro,Princess mononoko, Austin Powers,Butterfly effect,switchblade romance,Amelie...and like loads of others, I'm a bastard film student...i cant help it there are just too many




I can't read...I lost my eyes in 'nam



My Blog

HAHAHA GET ON ME this is class i was like FIVE! :D

Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 03:09:00 PST

Jerry's moaning whore

GUTTED is not the word at all...Jerry has left The Apers...and i am...well im fuckin depressed i might go be a bat n slit my wrists n write a song..or then again maybe not...But really this is fuckin ...
Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Questions...oh questions...please fill out <3

1. Have we kissed?:2. Do you want to?:3. What would you like our relationship to be?:4. Have we dated?:5. Did you like it?:6. Do you want to date?:7. Are we close friends?:8. Would you be here if I ne...
Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 03:20:00 PST

ANOTHER QUIZ!! go do my sexy people :(

() go out with me? () give me your number? () let me kiss you? () watch a movie with me...even a really sappy one? () let me take you out to dinner? () drive me for once cuz I always drive () be...
Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Another question thingy i stole READ PEOPLE im SOO FRIENDLESS

Name?] sara [Initials?]s l j [Nicknames?]Miffy,Dom,bitch,Miffata,Miffeh [Age?] 16..well basically [Location?] liverpool [Gender?]female last time i checked [Height?]5"3 1/2 yay m so smallfied [...
Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

even if u hate me do this argh people NOTICE MEEEEE

[01.] Who are you? [02.] Are we friends? [03.] When and how did we meet? [04.] How have I affected you? [05.] What do you think of me? [06.] What's the fondest memory you have of me? [07.] How l...
Posted by Scally in fancy dress on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST