♥It's A Beautiful Thing♥ In NC profile picture

♥It's A Beautiful Thing♥ In NC

♥I Take Hater's Stares Like The Elevator was Broke♥Hungry Hungry Hippos, We Don't Play

About Me

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Well what can I say about Joi, Moi, the one and only… Well I am one of a kind. I can say I am often hated, always imitated… ok enough with that corny cliché stuff… I am miss unique the ultimate essence of laughter… I am miss silly but not in a clownish way… I am the one destine for greatness and stardom… I set my goals high because with God all things are possible and never out of reach… I am assertive, confident and unlike some females I know exactly who I am and where I am going… I don’t put up a front, fake, or act petty and foolish over childish things… All of that is behind me… Now don’t get it twisted I am not Mother Nature, queen of the Nile, and miss independent… I am your more than average down to earth kind hearted female. I can honestly say that I am the type of person that can keep you laughing and really loveable … I am in college- culinary school to be exact, I am Family oriented, I am a party starter but Most of all... ~I’m Natural: adj-resembling an original; one having natural skills, talents, or abilities: something likely to become an immediate success! ~
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My Interests

lyrics - fantasia

I'd like to meet:

Cool SlideshowsHOJ and VNT All the Day Sunny... My freaking BFF you ain't know ♥I love this Loser♥ We Rock♥ TeaBear Rockstar I Love My Loser Sister♥This is my twin♥... He's a Star♥... Know it♥


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