Mr. Vaughan profile picture

Mr. Vaughan

Wherever You Go, There You Are

About Me

I'm Corey Vaughan I'm 17 I was born in Georgia (the land of sweet tea and the home of the braves lol) and lived in Atlanta for 9 years until I moved to WV... I'm finally graduated I like the Atlanta Braves, Pittsburgh Steelers, Marshall University, and sports in general too much Im am proud to be a Christian and American and i have no life haha (AIM=ONLYHERDFAN)

Background from Google search result ..

My Interests

Church, FOOTBALL, baseball, college basketball, video games, paintball, cars, rollercoasters

I'd like to meet:

Glenn Beck, Rick Ballou, Bill Cowher


The Patriot, Gladiator, Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, The Truman show haha , Rudy, Rocky, Remember The Titans, Pirates of The Caribbean 1 & 2, Signs, War of The Worlds, Braveheart, cast away


SportsCenter, any sports game ( poker isnt a sport ...neither is scrabble or a spelling bee ), future weapons, dirty jobs, mythbusters, pti


Bible I Timothy 1:7 "For God hat not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."


Phillip Wellman

My Blog

New Nfl Rules ( made for the Browns )

The Cleveland Browns football team hasn't been doing well lately. Thefollowing photocopy, discovered on a bulletin board somewhere, was nodoubt drafted by bitter fans when the team lost one game 41-0 ...
Posted by Mr. Vaughan on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 04:37:00 PST

Worth Fighting For

Worth Fighting For     Father, I am thankful forThis land where freedom rings,For being born American,Beneath the Eagle wings.The brave and valiant countrymenWho fought for liberty,Hav...
Posted by Mr. Vaughan on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 05:45:00 PST