i luuuuuuuuv tv and movies! music! hmmm... whatelse... ooh! FOOD!!!
anyone and everyone! yep! and that includes YOU!=) yep! i'd like to meet errr buddy!
ummm... r&b... rap...my new faves: POP-CAPELLA! hehehe.. and ACOUSTIC!
you've got mail, how to lose a guy in 10 days, finding nemo, love actually, and the list goes on and on and on and on...and on and on and on and on...
Rich Girls, Friends, MXC(aka Takeshi's Castle), CSI, yo miro television local, ejemplo, starstruck, MMK, Star in a Million, y Single
catcher in the rye, i used to be a big nancy drew fan, umm... harry potter(?) hehehe.., can we consider ARCHIE?after all it is a comicBOOK, the promise, and the 1st 2 chapters of shangai baby are pretty gud(ill giv my final judgment wen i finish the buk)
Captain Barbell, Gagamboy, Fantastic Man, Darna, Shaider, VoltesV, Power Rangers, Bioman, Kim Possible...