I hope you like to read in reverse...yM eman si naD. yM sdneirf llac em regnaD! I ma na lla dnuora "ecin yug". I t'nod wonk yhw m'I gnipyt ekil siht, tub revetahw. yM etirovaf sgniht ot od era gnivird ym rac, gnignah tuo htiw sdneirf, dna gnivird ym rac. haeY, I evol gnivird ym rac. I tnit dna hsaw swodniw no sesuoh dna sessenisub ot troppus ym serised dna teg yb. Tired of this sh*t yet? Try typing it!...tahw esle...ho, hhu, I evol emertxe strops, gnihtyna taht "sllor, sedils, ro sylf." yM sdneirf naem gnihtyreve ni eht dlrow ot em, yeht ekam em dna dlom em. m'I a naicigam dna ev'I neeb derrefer ot sa eht "nav redliw" fo amonos ytnuoc, ecnis ev'I neeb gniog ot egelloc rof eht tsal 6 sraey dna t'nvah tog tihs ot wohs rof ti. !AHAH...fI uoy era gnidaer siht tuo duol, uoy ylbaborp dnuos dedrater. Have a nice Day.
I'm happy to be alive.