Frenchiej profile picture


Isaiah 61:1-3

About Me

I'm 19, 6'3" brown hair and eyes. I love life just as much as anyone. I love going to church. I love my God, He is the Greatest. I like playing in the rain. I can't wait for summer, so I can go out on the lake. I may be a hopeless romantic, but I am still a romantic. I love my family to pieces! They are great. My cousin Brian is my best friend. I love going to concerts. I like playing musical intruments which inclued: tuba(lol...i know), guitar(kinda), and the drums. I like leading our church worship time. I don't like hypocrites and I try not to be one myself. I like debate because it gives me a chance to be nerdy and use my reasoning skills. I like acting, but i'm not too great at it. I can't wait to get to heaven. I'm going to either fall down on my knees in *awe* or give Jesus a great big bear hug. I met Jesus at Falls Creek when I was in 7th grade. I don't care what you have heard about Falls Creek. If you go for the right reasons, it is one of the most memorable experiences of my life. My least favorite subject is english(even though i speak english). I have an older sister who just got married and i miss her lots. I have one older brother, who lives in Alaska. He is in the military and he just got back from Iraq because he got hit by a mortar. He is ok. I can't wait to see him. I am a very trustworthy person. I trust people until they give me a reason otherwise. I am also a forgiving person, because i know people make bad choices and mistakes.I want to read the bible from front to back at least three times. I will honor God in all of my actions. If you read this and believe that i am not honoring God, Please let me know and i will change. Because just like you, i am human and i do make mistakes

My Interests

goin to church, hangin with friends, listening to music, d hunting and fishing,skiing, tubing, reading my bible, praying, being a good friend, honoring God's will for my life.

I'd like to meet:

God, President Bush, my future wife,Steve Irwin, Elvis Presley, My Grandpa, most Christian Bands


switchfoot, thousand foot krutch, relient k, jeremy camp, warren barfield, banner road, jeff berry, the swift, barlow girl, seventh day slumber, mark schultz, sean slaughter, P.O.D., Aaron shust The afters, David Crowder Band, DC Talk, Downhere, Gospel Gangsterz, Grits, Hawk Nelson, Jami Smith, Jars of Clay, Jason Mraz, Joel Engle, Josh Turner, KJ-52, Kutless, Matthew West, Michael W. Smith, Monk and Neagle, Newsboys, Pettidee, Pillar, Randy Travis, Sanctus Real, Skillet, Switchfoot, T-Bone, Third Day, Thousand Foot Krutch, TobyMac, Todd Agnew, UnderOath, Warren Barfield


dukes of hazzard, shanghai noon, shanghai knights, bewitched, kingdom of heaven, passion of the christ, Flushed Away, Happy Feet, The Number 23, Spy Kids, never been kissed, French Kiss, the notebook, tommy boy, black sheep, pride and prejudice, LOTR


the bible, my utmost for his highest, the good life,


I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Blog

About Me

The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life * So basically.. * Name?: Jeremy Age?: 17 Sex?: male Birth Date?: November 9 Hair Color?: reddish brown Eye Color?: brown Heigh...
Posted by Frenchiej on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:00:00 PST