Writing letters I`ll never send in my notebook.
Spending loads of time on the web, further isolating myself from human contact.
Vegetarian cooking, balanced with economical, sociological and political justification for exceptions
My happiness is less in direct proportion with the success of The Lakers these days...
Traveling, reading magazines and DIY cultural anthropological studies.
Public Transport.
Checking Prices of Shio/Yakisoba In Every Single Supermarket In Japan
Stretching my legs out, smelling the tulips and going out for long walks and bike riding.
Posting on my favorite message boards (Giant Robot, Lookout! Records) and checking regularly on sites like Green Day`s, Pitchfork Media, Hits! and the BBC.
Sex and the languages that are connected to it.
Current events, politics and history--past and present.
Making excuses to avoid getting a mobile phone, a real job and facing the future.
Finding a good place to drink coffee
Keeping in touch with people of the present & past, plus mining for potentially awesome friendships.
Cool places to hang out for cheap and/or free
Going out to a disco every once in a while, hear some new (and old) tunes, cutting, slashing and wiping the floor clean. That`s the problem with Japan, public drinking is legal, but few people rarely indulge in it! I`m here to push things forward.
Good Health.
Littletype.com is where I got this...Pat Hynes is one of my many favorite artists, ever.
People into Dark Matter(s), The Same Things As Me Because That Would Be Almost As Good As Looking In The Mirror...Individuals, Entities, Groups and Associates who are *on time, have left their baggage elsewhere and are free to move. Literate people. A nice thug that used to be into drugs, no. Glamourous gluesters need not apply.It`d be good to get some critical acclaim, for once, and be given all the accolades, props, hook-ups and tributes that are deftly set aside for the deceased.Sometimes, it`s cool to meet new people and even take on a different persona when doing it, cos there are so many facets and outlets an individual can assume to maintain sanity and continually improve. A lot of people are really turned off by what`s perceived as arrogant or don`t get the constant piss-taking of myself and at the expense of others.
Here Are Some Examples, In Images, Of Some Of My Favorite Music:
Pinhead Gunpowder, Benecia, CA, Clock Tower, May 2001
Lyrics to one of my favorite songs, ever
Insert Sleeve To ENEMIES` "Seize The Day" LP, Lookout Records Number 278
Mod Lang Records, Berkeley, California. Still the best record store on the planet
Spinning Vinyl Isn`t Everything, It`s The ONLY Thing!!!
I bought the last Decemberists "Crane Wife" and Belle And Sebastian`s "Another Late Night" compilation just recently. Just got "Break Your Miles" DVD, this tour where my friends hung out at. Rented Bob Dylan, Byrds, Beatles...all stuff I never listened to properly.
My favorite movie of all time is "Amelie", because after years of avoiding the lame tradition of growing up on film--it`s a far worst pollutant than music, your peers, etc. I watched it in the theater eight times the year it was released, including once, twice in a row at UC Berkeley` Wheeler Hall. It`s funny enough, with the right amount of quirk and dementia that doesn`t go into Star Wars or Goonies territory. Yeah, I`m purposely dissing my friends`who swear by The Breakfast Club, Fight Club and Pulp Fiction. And that goes with those who watch only* European art films or "indie" shit.
I watch the news wherever I go, especially for the weather and sports. Unfortunately, a lot of television makes you stupid and am neither above that.
Eighty Four Essays About Isamu Noguchi
A Way Of Seeing
The Importance Of Being Ernest
Unbearable Lightness Of Being
Geek Girl
Book Of Rap Lists
Despite Everything
People`s History Of The United States
Heavier Than Heaven
Bernstein Bears` series
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004 (Best American Science and Nature Writing)
NBA Encyclopedia
My Magpie Eyes Are Hungry For The Prize
Red Emma Speaks: An Emma Goldman reader
Mr.Clutch: The Jerry West Story
No More Sad Refrains (Sandy Denny)
Zines :
Cometbus, Murder Can Be Fun, Destroy All, Mojo, Wire, Big Takeover, Ben Is Dead, Thirst!, Phantom Bookkeeper, Absolutely Zippo, I Like Tofu!, NME, Ready Made, Slug And Lettuce
My mom, sister, Jack. All my best friends: Toyoko, Dorothy, Lars, Jeremy...
and then comes the board members: Justin, Merle, Eric, Kyle, Elaine, Mike, Jason, Danny, Arica, Charlie, Wes, Tresca, Will.
The Executives: Pavla, Daniela and all the spouses of the people mentioned so far. OK, this is tough, but it`s gotta be done. Jeff And Michele are in there somewhere, so`s Yusuke, Yoko, Kenta and all the ex-girlfriends.
James Wetmore, my high school basketball coach. All my history teachers, starting with Mr.Hoffman, Mr.WIlliams, Mr.Riegler and all those people who made learning fun.
All the creative people I so admire: Barry McGee, Aaron Cometbus, Kathleen Hanna, Brett Guerwitz, Petra Haden, Todd C., Erika & Pat, Dan Wrysinski, Mike & Jason, Billie Joe & Mike, Eggplant, Jesse Luscious, Dick, Trostky, Bruce, Phil, Jasper and Richard The Roadie. Dan Wrysinski. Yoshitomo Nara, Shawn And Mark Stern. The Missus, Ryoko.