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I bet she swallows....

About Me

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!"

My Interests

Your mom and my mom, down syndrome kids and sweet wheelchair kids, squirrels, Terri Schiavo and Jon Benet two of my favorites, hunting, a nice tender glass of colon blow, trunk butt, skull fucking, NyQuil, Playing Wii Sports with my pants off, Interspecies Erotica, fishing, the boxcar childern, Jack Daniels, Everclear, apple jack, running, Livin' the Dream way way higher then Reid Lockwood or anyone else on that matter, drawing, wildlife in general, trying to get my dick nipped at, riding down a Giraffes neck, taking any firarm off my dick, Amy that (GOOD! Gorilla from Congo), Goose and Turkey calling, last but not least Coca-Cola hmmmmm sure hits the spot. (more to come)



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The Adventure Of Perry Grin

My Blog

Mom Thinking Im on Roids

Well at this point in time waiting to go to a Tribe game with Yannick and his Father...... should be a interesting time if I must say so.   I asked my mom if she could hold me today for situ...
Posted by P-Loc on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 11:35:00 PST

10 Fucked up things I saw, heard, or lived of "2005"

10 - Back In Jan. of 2005 I weighed 260 til about um...... March or April, Don't really know How or Why I lost all the Weight but I did, and I feel Better... which is dandy as candy.... now im 155lb ...
Posted by P-Loc on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 02:02:00 PST

A Convo with my Mom.......

Ok so my mother, and I had a conversation at dinner about if she has ever seen a Black Mentally handicap person? she goes yes i have, I go what did he look like? she said He had no legs, and had a Sho...
Posted by P-Loc on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:20:00 PST

the interesting talk with CTong17 (Viper UPPERCUT!)

CTong17: snow sucksDiZZyP21: hahahDiZZyP21: no its the goddamn POLAR EXPRESSDiZZyP21: i saw a Wooly mamith out side and i Said Fuck youCTong17: gerber came over to drop off a dvd and i was like "GOD D...
Posted by P-Loc on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:59:00 PST

$47 dollars + .22 Cents

So My Friend John and I went to See Harry Potter, John liked it, I THOUGHT IT WAS FUCKIN GAY!!!   SUck up on it harry potter!!! anyways to start the night off, we were in line to get the ticket, ...
Posted by P-Loc on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 10:44:00 PST


Well anyways, I feel when i drink Nyquil... and I'm in my own place, and i know when im getting there cause I like disappear and I get Dizzy and my body moves into like a Forest and its peaceful, out ...
Posted by P-Loc on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 08:05:00 PST

Believe Everything You Hear?

Well, me and My Bud Chris, and Kyle... we were shootin some shit at Chris GF house... and, We got on the subject I think about Catholic Girls, and Someone said there so nice, and respectful and not sl...
Posted by P-Loc on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 09:47:00 PST

Why are people (Special, or Why do they Lie?) <Really read this>

I have been thinking you know... theres alot of things I Have to say.... so here we go, Ok... Theres this Girl Jess from cleveland, I have know for 10 years, and I would really love to get with h...
Posted by P-Loc on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 01:11:00 PST

Can you say... "M-O-N-O....."

Went to the Doctor today, and passed out in the lobby.. and they woke me up, and took me in, and he said Pat, You dont look like u feel so great, i go No... i feel like shit. so he checked and said, I...
Posted by P-Loc on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:00:00 PST

Love ~By My Bud Cody Rook... (Read This) and Cody and My Convo... and "Ingenious"

Love Sick?              Love is a powerful word. Love is also a word that American society holds in the highest regard. Love can hold many diffe...
Posted by P-Loc on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 10:45:00 PST