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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

For those who don't know,Its your boi Chris Blount( the "o" in Blount is silent) A.K.A. Lil'Xhris of H.D.W.,I'm cool, i'm real, and different, i don't play games, i'm strait up, i also joke around alot i guess i'm a funny guy
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsyou know what i'm sayin'. I also do christian rap, i was in a group called H.D.W. That stand for "Hearers and Doers of the Word"(Being God's Word) I thought i leave it on my name so you wont get me confused with anyother lil'Xhris out there, if there is another, Also for any of my old and new friends i have givin' my life to Christ.I gave it to him on 6/21/2001 and started taking things serious with God at the start of 2003.....And if i didn't tell you about Christi at the time i'm sorry.But i will now.Because i'm now following christ and he wants me to tell you about him and how you need him (And if you have christ,thats good.but let this encourage you to go and tell others "to taste and see that God is good).............So if you unashamed and you down with Christ and you praise Christ with youre actions and you're ryhmes,.... holla at me,....lets spread the message or you wanna be friends holla at me peace .................. "duece".................................real soon i'm going to make an artist page, it well tell everyone whuts up with me and whut i stay tune..........................yo, another thing....if you really need something to be lefted up in pray, please holla at me,(But only if its really serious)  I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Jesus Christ in person, when i go to heaven,and other believers.I would also like to meet people that don't know Christ so i can tell'em bout Christ.................and i'm not gonna lie, but i'd like to meet that girl that God as for me too,

My Blog


  yo, wuz ggood, if you added me, and it was just to build of your friends list,well im glad i could help you with that, but i want you to take some time to see what i got on my page, i got some ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 15:54:00 GMT

Have you upgraded?

you know....we go thru phases, in are life. We start in the begaining in sin, at. 0.0Well for me i was at 0.0 till i was 13 years old. i accepted jesus Christ as my lord, and UPGRADED to 1.0. now li...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:34:00 GMT

don't let the appearence decieve you...................

I've notice alot lately that appearence is starting to become a big problem to day.The way someone dresses seems to be an issue.I'm Talking about this because its happen to me alot over the years, and...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 01:56:00 GMT