Well, since you ask.... I like long walks on the beach, meaningful conversations, interesting novels, my best friend Adam, and.......Oh yea.. MEGATOUCH PLAYMATE EDITION!!! But on a serious side, I like going out out with my friends who mean everything to me, clubbing it up, gettin' a cup of joe, eating, drinking, kareoke, and living a crazy unscripted life. I'm a part time worker, a full time partier, and a professional tease. I love to just sit back in my car, one leg on the gas, the other out the window, and just driving without any destination. all i need with me is an ipod and a cig and im good to go..its just how I roll. I also love MySpace if you haven't already figured it out. So anyways, thats my story and I'm sticking to it. written by Adam Rawa lol
Milli Vanilli is Silly
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